Sensor Fusion Using the ROS Robot Pose EKF Package

In this tutorial, we will learn how to set up an extended Kalman filter to fuse wheel encoder odometry information and IMU sensor information to create a better estimate of where a robot is located in the environment (i.e. localization).


We will fuse odometry data (based on wheel encoder tick counts) with data from an IMU sensor (i.e. “sensor fusion”) to generate improved odometry data so that we can get regular estimates of the robot’s position and orientation as it moves about its environment. Accurate information is important for enabling a robot to navigate properly and build good maps.

An extended Kalman filter is the work horse behind all this. It provides a more robust estimate of the robot’s pose than using wheel encoders or IMU alone. The way to do this using ROS is to use the robot_pose_ekf package.

Real-World Applications

This project has a number of real-world applications: 

  • Indoor Delivery Robots
  • Room Service Robots
  • Mapping of Underground Mines, Caves, and Hard-to-Reach Environments
  • Robot Vacuums
  • Order Fulfillment
  • Factories


Install the robot_pose_ekf Package

Let’s begin by installing the robot_pose_ekf package. Open a new terminal window, and type:

sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-robot-pose-ekf

We are using ROS Melodic. If you are using ROS Noetic, you will need to substitute in ‘noetic’ for ‘melodic’.

Now move to your workspace.

cd ~/catkin_ws

Build the package.


Add the the robot_pose_ekf node to a ROS Launch File

To launch the robot_pose_ekf node, you will need to add it to a launch file. Before we do that, let’s talk about the robot_pose_ekf node.

About the robot_pose_ekf Node

The robot_pose_ekf node will subscribe to the following topics (ROS message types are in parentheses):

This node will publish data to the following topics:

Create the Launch File

You might now be asking, how do we give the robot_ekf_pose node the data it needs? 

The data for /odom will come from the /odom_data_quat topic. The publisher for this topic is the node we created in this post.

The data for /imu_data  will come from the /imu/data topic. The publisher for this topic is the node we created in this post

In the launch file, we need to remap the data coming from the /odom_data_quat and /imu/data topics since the robot_pose_ekf node needs the topic names to be /odom and /imu_data, respectively.

Here is my full launch file. Don’t worry about trying to understand the static transform publishers at the top. I’ll cover that in a later post:


  <!-- Transformation Configuration ... Setting Up the Relationships Between Coordinate Frames --> 
  <node pkg="tf" type="static_transform_publisher" name="base_link_to_laser" args="0.06 0 0.08 0 0 0 base_link laser 30" />
  <node pkg="tf" type="static_transform_publisher" name="imu_broadcaster" args="0 0.06 0.02 0 0 0 base_link imu 30" />
  <node pkg="tf" type="static_transform_publisher" name="base_link_broadcaster" args="0 0 0.09 0 0 0 base_footprint base_link 30" />
  <!-- odom to base_footprint transform will be provided by the robot_pose_ekf node -->

  <!-- Wheel Encoder Tick Publisher and Base Controller Using Arduino -->  
  <!-- motor_controller_diff_drive_2.ino is the Arduino sketch -->
  <!-- Subscribe: /cmd_vel -->
  <!-- Publish: /right_ticks, /left_ticks -->
  <node pkg="rosserial_python" type="" name="serial_node">
    <param name="port" value="/dev/ttyACM0"/>
    <param name="baud" value="115200"/>

  <!-- Wheel Odometry Publisher -->
  <!-- Subscribe: /right_ticks, /left_ticks, /initial_2d -->
  <!-- Publish: /odom_data_euler, /odom_data_quat -->
  <node pkg="localization_data_pub" type="ekf_odom_pub" name="ekf_odom_pub">
  <!-- IMU Data Publisher Using the BNO055 IMU Sensor -->
  <!-- Publish: /imu/data -->
  <node ns="imu" name="imu_node" pkg="imu_bno055" type="bno055_i2c_node" respawn="true" respawn_delay="2">
    <param name="device" type="string" value="/dev/i2c-1"/>
    <param name="address" type="int" value="40"/> <!-- 0x28 == 40 is the default for BNO055 -->
    <param name="frame_id" type="string" value="imu"/>
  <!-- Extended Kalman Filter from robot_pose_ekf Node-->
  <!-- Subscribe: /odom, /imu_data, /vo -->
  <!-- Publish: /robot_pose_ekf/odom_combined -->
  <remap from="odom" to="odom_data_quat" />
  <remap from="imu_data" to="imu/data" />
  <node pkg="robot_pose_ekf" type="robot_pose_ekf" name="robot_pose_ekf">
    <param name="output_frame" value="odom"/>
    <param name="base_footprint_frame" value="base_footprint"/>
    <param name="freq" value="30.0"/>
    <param name="sensor_timeout" value="1.0"/>
    <param name="odom_used" value="true"/>
    <param name="imu_used" value="true"/>
    <param name="vo_used" value="false"/>
    <param name="gps_used" value="false"/>
    <param name="debug" value="false"/>
    <param name="self_diagnose" value="false"/>
  <!-- Initial Pose and Goal Publisher -->
  <!-- Publish: /initialpose, /move_base_simple/goal -->
  <node pkg="rviz" type="rviz" name="rviz">

  <!-- Subscribe: /initialpose, /move_base_simple/goal -->
  <!-- Publish: /initial_2d, /goal_2d --> 
  <node pkg="localization_data_pub" type="rviz_click_to_2d" name="rviz_click_to_2d">


You can check out this post to learn how to run ROS launch files

That’s it. Keep building!

How to Publish Wheel Odometry Information Over ROS

In this tutorial, we will learn how to publish wheel odometry information over ROS. We will assume a two-wheeled differential drive robot.

In robotics, odometry is about using data from sensors (e.g. wheel encoders) to estimate the change in the robot’s position and orientation over time relative to some world-fixed point (e.g. x=0,y=0,z=0). We use trigonometry at each timestep along with the data from the wheel encoders to generate estimates of where the robot is in the world and how it is oriented.

Real-World Applications

This project has a number of real-world applications: 

  • Indoor Delivery Robots
  • Room Service Robots
  • Mapping of Underground Mines, Caves, and Hard-to-Reach Environments
  • Robot Vacuums
  • Order Fulfillment
  • Factories


Getting Started

Let’s create an odometry publisher that is based on wheel encoder data (no IMU inputs). This node will subscribe to the following topics (ROS message types are in parentheses):

The publisher will publish odometry data to the following topics:

Open a new terminal window.

Move to the src folder of the localization package.

cd ~/catkin_ws/src/jetson_nano_bot/localization_data_pub/src

Open a new C++ file called ekf_odom_pub.cpp.

gedit ekf_odom_pub.cpp

Write the following code inside the file, then save and close it. I won’t go into the code in detail, but I added a lot of comments so you can understand what is going on at each step. All you need to change at the values of the variables to fit your robot. Leave everything else as-is.

 * Automatic Addison
 * Date: May 20, 2021
 * ROS Version: ROS 1 - Melodic
 * Website:
 * Publishes odometry information for use with robot_pose_ekf package.
 *   This odometry information is based on wheel encoder tick counts.
 * Subscribe: ROS node that subscribes to the following topics:
 *  right_ticks : Tick counts from the right motor encoder (std_msgs/Int16)
 *  left_ticks : Tick counts from the left motor encoder  (std_msgs/Int16)
 *  initial_2d : The initial position and orientation of the robot.
 *               (geometry_msgs/PoseStamped)
 * Publish: This node will publish to the following topics:
 *  odom_data_euler : Position and velocity estimate. The orientation.z 
 *                    variable is an Euler angle representing the yaw angle.
 *                    (nav_msgs/Odometry)
 *  odom_data_quat : Position and velocity estimate. The orientation is 
 *                   in quaternion format.
 *                   (nav_msgs/Odometry)
 * Modified from Practical Robotics in C++ book (ISBN-10 : 9389423465)
 *   by Lloyd Brombach

// Include various libraries
#include "ros/ros.h"
#include "std_msgs/Int16.h"
#include <nav_msgs/Odometry.h>
#include <geometry_msgs/PoseStamped.h>
#include <tf2/LinearMath/Quaternion.h>
#include <tf2_ros/transform_broadcaster.h>
#include <cmath>

// Create odometry data publishers
ros::Publisher odom_data_pub;
ros::Publisher odom_data_pub_quat;
nav_msgs::Odometry odomNew;
nav_msgs::Odometry odomOld;

// Initial pose
const double initialX = 0.0;
const double initialY = 0.0;
const double initialTheta = 0.00000000001;
const double PI = 3.141592;

// Robot physical constants
const double TICKS_PER_REVOLUTION = 620; // For reference purposes.
const double WHEEL_RADIUS = 0.033; // Wheel radius in meters
const double WHEEL_BASE = 0.17; // Center of left tire to center of right tire
const double TICKS_PER_METER = 3100; // Original was 2800

// Distance both wheels have traveled
double distanceLeft = 0;
double distanceRight = 0;

// Flag to see if initial pose has been received
bool initialPoseRecieved = false;

using namespace std;

// Get initial_2d message from either Rviz clicks or a manual pose publisher
void set_initial_2d(const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped &rvizClick) {

  odomOld.pose.pose.position.x = rvizClick.pose.position.x;
  odomOld.pose.pose.position.y = rvizClick.pose.position.y;
  odomOld.pose.pose.orientation.z = rvizClick.pose.orientation.z;
  initialPoseRecieved = true;

// Calculate the distance the left wheel has traveled since the last cycle
void Calc_Left(const std_msgs::Int16& leftCount) {

  static int lastCountL = 0;
  if( != 0 && lastCountL != 0) {
    int leftTicks = ( - lastCountL);

    if (leftTicks > 10000) {
      leftTicks = 0 - (65535 - leftTicks);
    else if (leftTicks < -10000) {
      leftTicks = 65535-leftTicks;
    distanceLeft = leftTicks/TICKS_PER_METER;
  lastCountL =;

// Calculate the distance the right wheel has traveled since the last cycle
void Calc_Right(const std_msgs::Int16& rightCount) {
  static int lastCountR = 0;
  if( != 0 && lastCountR != 0) {

    int rightTicks = - lastCountR;
    if (rightTicks > 10000) {
      distanceRight = (0 - (65535 - distanceRight))/TICKS_PER_METER;
    else if (rightTicks < -10000) {
      rightTicks = 65535 - rightTicks;
    distanceRight = rightTicks/TICKS_PER_METER;
  lastCountR =;

// Publish a nav_msgs::Odometry message in quaternion format
void publish_quat() {

  tf2::Quaternion q;
  q.setRPY(0, 0, odomNew.pose.pose.orientation.z);

  nav_msgs::Odometry quatOdom;
  quatOdom.header.stamp = odomNew.header.stamp;
  quatOdom.header.frame_id = "odom";
  quatOdom.child_frame_id = "base_link";
  quatOdom.pose.pose.position.x = odomNew.pose.pose.position.x;
  quatOdom.pose.pose.position.y = odomNew.pose.pose.position.y;
  quatOdom.pose.pose.position.z = odomNew.pose.pose.position.z;
  quatOdom.pose.pose.orientation.x = q.x();
  quatOdom.pose.pose.orientation.y = q.y();
  quatOdom.pose.pose.orientation.z = q.z();
  quatOdom.pose.pose.orientation.w = q.w();
  quatOdom.twist.twist.linear.x = odomNew.twist.twist.linear.x;
  quatOdom.twist.twist.linear.y = odomNew.twist.twist.linear.y;
  quatOdom.twist.twist.linear.z = odomNew.twist.twist.linear.z;
  quatOdom.twist.twist.angular.x = odomNew.twist.twist.angular.x;
  quatOdom.twist.twist.angular.y = odomNew.twist.twist.angular.y;
  quatOdom.twist.twist.angular.z = odomNew.twist.twist.angular.z;

  for(int i = 0; i<36; i++) {
    if(i == 0 || i == 7 || i == 14) {
      quatOdom.pose.covariance[i] = .01;
     else if (i == 21 || i == 28 || i== 35) {
       quatOdom.pose.covariance[i] += 0.1;
     else {
       quatOdom.pose.covariance[i] = 0;


// Update odometry information
void update_odom() {

  // Calculate the average distance
  double cycleDistance = (distanceRight + distanceLeft) / 2;
  // Calculate the number of radians the robot has turned since the last cycle
  double cycleAngle = asin((distanceRight-distanceLeft)/WHEEL_BASE);

  // Average angle during the last cycle
  double avgAngle = cycleAngle/2 + odomOld.pose.pose.orientation.z;
  if (avgAngle > PI) {
    avgAngle -= 2*PI;
  else if (avgAngle < -PI) {
    avgAngle += 2*PI;

  // Calculate the new pose (x, y, and theta)
  odomNew.pose.pose.position.x = odomOld.pose.pose.position.x + cos(avgAngle)*cycleDistance;
  odomNew.pose.pose.position.y = odomOld.pose.pose.position.y + sin(avgAngle)*cycleDistance;
  odomNew.pose.pose.orientation.z = cycleAngle + odomOld.pose.pose.orientation.z;

  // Prevent lockup from a single bad cycle
  if (isnan(odomNew.pose.pose.position.x) || isnan(odomNew.pose.pose.position.y)
     || isnan(odomNew.pose.pose.position.z)) {
    odomNew.pose.pose.position.x = odomOld.pose.pose.position.x;
    odomNew.pose.pose.position.y = odomOld.pose.pose.position.y;
    odomNew.pose.pose.orientation.z = odomOld.pose.pose.orientation.z;

  // Make sure theta stays in the correct range
  if (odomNew.pose.pose.orientation.z > PI) {
    odomNew.pose.pose.orientation.z -= 2 * PI;
  else if (odomNew.pose.pose.orientation.z < -PI) {
    odomNew.pose.pose.orientation.z += 2 * PI;

  // Compute the velocity
  odomNew.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
  odomNew.twist.twist.linear.x = cycleDistance/(odomNew.header.stamp.toSec() - odomOld.header.stamp.toSec());
  odomNew.twist.twist.angular.z = cycleAngle/(odomNew.header.stamp.toSec() - odomOld.header.stamp.toSec());

  // Save the pose data for the next cycle
  odomOld.pose.pose.position.x = odomNew.pose.pose.position.x;
  odomOld.pose.pose.position.y = odomNew.pose.pose.position.y;
  odomOld.pose.pose.orientation.z = odomNew.pose.pose.orientation.z;
  odomOld.header.stamp = odomNew.header.stamp;

  // Publish the odometry message

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  // Set the data fields of the odometry message
  odomNew.header.frame_id = "odom";
  odomNew.pose.pose.position.z = 0;
  odomNew.pose.pose.orientation.x = 0;
  odomNew.pose.pose.orientation.y = 0;
  odomNew.twist.twist.linear.x = 0;
  odomNew.twist.twist.linear.y = 0;
  odomNew.twist.twist.linear.z = 0;
  odomNew.twist.twist.angular.x = 0;
  odomNew.twist.twist.angular.y = 0;
  odomNew.twist.twist.angular.z = 0;
  odomOld.pose.pose.position.x = initialX;
  odomOld.pose.pose.position.y = initialY;
  odomOld.pose.pose.orientation.z = initialTheta;

  // Launch ROS and create a node
  ros::init(argc, argv, "ekf_odom_pub");
  ros::NodeHandle node;

  // Subscribe to ROS topics
  ros::Subscriber subForRightCounts = node.subscribe("right_ticks", 100, Calc_Right, ros::TransportHints().tcpNoDelay());
  ros::Subscriber subForLeftCounts = node.subscribe("left_ticks", 100, Calc_Left, ros::TransportHints().tcpNoDelay());
  ros::Subscriber subInitialPose = node.subscribe("initial_2d", 1, set_initial_2d);

  // Publisher of simple odom message where orientation.z is an euler angle
  odom_data_pub = node.advertise<nav_msgs::Odometry>("odom_data_euler", 100);

  // Publisher of full odom message where orientation is quaternion
  odom_data_pub_quat = node.advertise<nav_msgs::Odometry>("odom_data_quat", 100);

  ros::Rate loop_rate(30); 
  while(ros::ok()) {
    if(initialPoseRecieved) {

  return 0;

Now we need to add the C++ program we just wrote to the CMakeLists.txt file.

cd ~/catkin_ws/src/jetson_nano_bot/localization_data_pub/
gedit CMakeLists.txt

Go to the bottom of the file.

Add the following lines.

add_executable(ekf_odom_pub src/ekf_odom_pub.cpp)
target_link_libraries(ekf_odom_pub ${catkin_LIBRARIES})

Save the file, and close it.

Go to the root of the workspace.

cd ~/catkin_ws

Compile the code.

catkin_make --only-pkg-with-deps localization_data_pub 

Now let’s run the ROS node to test it.

Open a new terminal window.

Start ROS.


Open another terminal window, and launch the node.

rosrun localization_data_pub ekf_odom_pub

Start the tick count publisher.

rosrun rosserial_python _port:=/dev/ttyACM0 _baud:=115200

Open another terminal window, and launch the initial pose and goal publisher.

rosrun localization_data_pub rviz_click_to_2d

Set the initial pose of the robot using the button at the top of RViz. 

Set the goal destination using the button at the top of RViz.

If everything is working properly, you should see output when you type the following in a new terminal window.

rostopic echo /odom_data_quat

Add the Wheel Odometry Publisher to a Launch File

To add the wheel odometry publisher above to a ROS launch file, you will add the following lines: 

  <!-- Wheel Odometry Publisher -->
  <!-- Subscribe: /right_ticks, /left_ticks, /initial_2d -->
  <!-- Publish: /odom_data_euler, /odom_data_quat -->
  <node pkg="localization_data_pub" type="ekf_odom_pub" name="ekf_odom_pub">

That’s it! Keep building!

How to Create an Initial Pose and Goal Publisher in ROS

In this tutorial, I will show you how to use ROS and Rviz to set the initial pose (i.e. position and orientation) of a robot. Once this pose is set, we can then give the robot a series of goal locations that it can navigate to. I’ll show you how to do all of this in this post.

Real-World Applications

This project has a number of real-world applications: 

  • Indoor Delivery Robots
  • Room Service Robots
  • Mapping of Underground Mines, Caves, and Hard-to-Reach Environments
  • Robot Vacuums
  • Order Fulfillment
  • Factories


Create a Package

Let’s start by creating a new package.

Open a new terminal window, and type the following command (I assume you have a folder named jetson_nano_bot inside the catkin_ws/src folder):

cd ~/catkin_ws/src/jetson_nano_bot/

Create the package.

catkin_create_pkg localization_data_pub rospy roscpp std_msgs tf tf2_ros geometry_msgs sensor_msgs nav_msgs

Type dir.


Here is what you should see:


Now open a new terminal and move to your catkin workspace.

cd ~/catkin_ws/

Compile the package.

catkin_make --only-pkg-with-deps localization_data_pub 

Move inside the package.

cd ~/catkin_ws/src/jetson_nano_bot/localization_data_pub/

Go inside the CMakeLists.txt file.

gedit CMakeLists.txt

Remove the hashtag on line 5 to make sure that C++11 support is enabled.

Save and close the file.

Background Information

One of the most common ways to set the initial pose and desired goal destination of a robot using ROS is to use Rviz

You can see in this graphic below from the SLAM tutorial, for example, that we have two buttons at the top of rviz: 2D Pose Estimate and 2D Nav Goal. If we click these buttons, we can automatically publish an initial pose and a goal pose on ROS topics.


2D Pose Estimate button

  • Published Topic: initialpose
  • Type: geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovarianceStamped
  • Description: Allows the user to initialize the localization system used by the navigation stack by setting the pose of the robot in the world.

2D Nav Goal button

  • Published Topic: move_base_simple/goal
  • Type: geometry_msgs/PoseStamped
  • Description: Allows the user to send a goal to the navigation by setting a desired pose for the robot to achieve.

However, a lot of the programs we write in ROS need the initial pose and goal destination in a specific format. THe RViz buttons I mentioned above publish the pose and goal destination using the following format:

  • /initialpose (geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovarianceStamped)
  • /move_base_simple/goal (geometry_msgs/PoseStamped)

For our system to work, we need to create a program called rviz_click_to_2d.cpp that subscribes to the two topics above and converts that data into a format that other programs in a ROS-based robotic system can use. In other words, we need to create a ROS node that can publish to the following topics:

  • /initial_2d topic (which the odometry publisher subscribes to) (geometry_msgs/PoseStamped)
  • /goal_2d topic (which our path planner node, which I’ll create in a later tutorial, will subscribe to). (geometry_msgs/PoseStamped)

We will name our ROS node, rviz_click_to_2d.cpp. When this program is running, you can click the 2D Pose Estimate button and the 2D Nav Goal button in RViz, and rviz_click_to_2d.cpp will convert the data to the appropriate format to publish on the /initial_2d and /goal_2d topics.

Write the Code

Open a terminal window in your Jetson Nano.

Move to the src folder of the localization package.

cd ~/catkin_ws/src/jetson_nano_bot/localization_data_pub/src

Open a new C++ file called rviz_click_to_2d.cpp.

gedit rviz_click_to_2d.cpp

Write the following code:

 * Automatic Addison
 * Website:
 *   ROS node that converts the user's desired initial pose and goal location
 *   into a usable format.
 * Subscribe:
 *   initialpose : The initial position and orientation of the robot using 
 *                 quaternions. (geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovarianceStamped)
 *   move_base_simple/goal : Goal position and 
 *                           orientation (geometry_msgs::PoseStamped)
 * Publish: This node publishes to the following topics:   
 *   goal_2d : Goal position and orientation (geometry_msgs::PoseStamped)
 *   initial_2d : The initial position and orientation of the robot using 
 *                Euler angles. (geometry_msgs/PoseStamped)
 * From Practical Robotics in C++ book (ISBN-10 : 9389423465)
 *   by Lloyd Brombach

// Include statements 
#include "ros/ros.h"
#include "geometry_msgs/PoseStamped.h"
#include "geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovarianceStamped.h"
#include <tf/transform_broadcaster.h>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

// Initialize ROS publishers
ros::Publisher pub;
ros::Publisher pub2;

// Take move_base_simple/goal as input and publish goal_2d
void handle_goal(const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped &goal) {
  geometry_msgs::PoseStamped rpyGoal;
  rpyGoal.header.frame_id = "map";
  rpyGoal.header.stamp = goal.header.stamp;
  rpyGoal.pose.position.x = goal.pose.position.x;
  rpyGoal.pose.position.y = goal.pose.position.y;
  rpyGoal.pose.position.z = 0;
  tf::Quaternion q(0, 0, goal.pose.orientation.z, goal.pose.orientation.w);
  tf::Matrix3x3 m(q);
  double roll, pitch, yaw;
  m.getRPY(roll, pitch, yaw);
  rpyGoal.pose.orientation.x = 0;
  rpyGoal.pose.orientation.y = 0;
  rpyGoal.pose.orientation.z = yaw;
  rpyGoal.pose.orientation.w = 0;

// Take initialpose as input and publish initial_2d
void handle_initial_pose(const geometry_msgs::PoseWithCovarianceStamped &pose) {
  geometry_msgs::PoseStamped rpyPose;
  rpyPose.header.frame_id = "map";
  rpyPose.header.stamp = pose.header.stamp;
  rpyPose.pose.position.x = pose.pose.pose.position.x;
  rpyPose.pose.position.y = pose.pose.pose.position.y;
  rpyPose.pose.position.z = 0;
  tf::Quaternion q(0, 0, pose.pose.pose.orientation.z, pose.pose.pose.orientation.w);
  tf::Matrix3x3 m(q);
  double roll, pitch, yaw;
  m.getRPY(roll, pitch, yaw);
  rpyPose.pose.orientation.x = 0;
  rpyPose.pose.orientation.y = 0;
  rpyPose.pose.orientation.z = yaw;
  rpyPose.pose.orientation.w = 0;

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  ros::init(argc, argv, "rviz_click_to_2d");
  ros::NodeHandle node;
  pub = node.advertise<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>("goal_2d", 0);
  pub2 = node.advertise<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>("initial_2d", 0);
  ros::Subscriber sub = node.subscribe("move_base_simple/goal", 0, handle_goal);
  ros::Subscriber sub2 = node.subscribe("initialpose", 0, handle_initial_pose);
  ros::Rate loop_rate(10);
  while (ros::ok()) {
  return 0;

Save the file and close it.

Now open a new terminal window, and type the following command:

cd ~/catkin_ws/src/jetson_nano_bot/localization_data_pub/

gedit CMakeLists.txt

Go to the bottom of the file.

Add the following lines.


add_executable(rviz_click_to_2d src/rviz_click_to_2d.cpp)
target_link_libraries(rviz_click_to_2d ${catkin_LIBRARIES})

Save the file, and close it.

Go to the root of the workspace.

cd ~/catkin_ws

Compile the code.

catkin_make --only-pkg-with-deps localization_data_pub

To run the code, you would type the following commands:


In another terminal window, type:

rosrun localization_data_pub rviz_click_to_2d

Then open another terminal, and launch RViz.


In another terminal type:

rostopic echo /initial_2d

In another terminal type:

rostopic echo /goal_2d

Then on Rviz, you can click the 2D Pose Estimate button to set the pose. You click on the button and then click on somewhere in the environment to set the pose.

Then click the 2D Nav Goal button to set the goal destination. The output will print out to the terminal windows.

Here is what you should see in the terminal windows:


Add to a Launch File

Here is what you can add to your launch file. The first piece of code will launch Rviz, and the second piece of code will start our node.

  <!-- Initial Pose and Goal Publisher -->
  <!-- Publish: /initialpose, /move_base_simple/goal -->
  <node pkg="rviz" type="rviz" name="rviz">
  <!-- Subscribe: /initialpose, /move_base_simple/goal -->
  <!-- Publish: /initial_2d, /goal_2d --> 
  <node pkg="localization_data_pub" type="rviz_click_to_2d" name="rviz_click_to_2d">

That’s it! Keep building!