How to Set Up Real-Time Video Using OpenCV on Raspberry Pi 4

In this tutorial, I will show you how to install OpenCV on Raspberry Pi 4 and then get a real-time video stream going. OpenCV is a library that has a bunch of programming functions that enable us to do real-time computer vision.



You Will Need

Install the Raspberry Pi Camera Module

Let’s install the Raspberry Pi Camera Module. Here are the official instructions, but I’ll walk through the whole process below.

Grab the Raspberry Pi Camera’s plastic clip. (optional)

Remove the ribbon cable that is currently in there. (optional)


Replace that small cable with the longer ribbon cable that came with the Flex Extension Cable Set. (optional)


Open the Camera Serial Interface on the Raspberry Pi by taking your fingers, pinching either side, and pulling up. The Camera Serial Interface is labeled “CAMERA”.


Push the long piece of ribbon into the interface. The silver pieces of the ribbon should be facing towards the CAMERA label on the Raspberry Pi board.


Hold the ribbon in place with one finger while you push down on the door. The door should snap into place.

This is how it should look at this stage (Ignore the other stuff in the photo).


Lightly pull on the ribbon to make sure that it is in their snugly. It shouldn’t come out when you pull on it.

Configure the Raspberry Pi

We now need to make sure the Raspberry Pi is configured properly to use the camera.

Start the Raspberry Pi.

Open a fresh terminal window, and type the following command:

sudo raspi-config

Go to Interfacing Options and press Enter.


Select Camera and press Enter to enable the camera.

Press Enter.


Go to Advanced Options and press Enter.

Select Resolution and press Enter.

Select a screen resolution. I’m using 1920 x 1080.

Press Enter.


Go to Finish and press Enter.

Press Enter on <Yes> to reboot the Raspberry Pi.

Test the Raspberry Pi Camera Module

Open up a new terminal window. Let’s take a test photo by typing the following command:

raspistill -o Desktop/image.jpg

Your photo should be on your Desktop.


Here is how the camera looks when it is right side up. The black bar needs to be on top above the camera lens.


Install OpenCV

Let’s install OpenCV on our Raspberry Pi. I will largely be following this excellent tutorial. The process has a lot of steps, so go slow.

Update the packages by typing this command:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

Install these packages that assist in the compilation of the OpenCV code:

sudo apt install cmake build-essential pkg-config git

These packages provide the support that enable OpenCV to use different formats for both images and videos.

sudo apt install libjpeg-dev libtiff-dev libjasper-dev libpng-dev libwebp-dev libopenexr-dev
sudo apt install libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libswscale-dev libv4l-dev libxvidcore-dev libx264-dev libdc1394-22-dev libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-dev libgstreamer1.0-dev

Install some more OpenCV dependencies: You can learn about each of these packages by doing a search here at the Debian website

sudo apt install libgtk-3-dev libqtgui4 libqtwebkit4 libqt4-test python3-pyqt5

Install these packages that help OpenCV run quickly on your Raspberry Pi.

sudo apt install libatlas-base-dev liblapacke-dev gfortran

Install the HDF5 packages that OpenCV will use to manage the data.

sudo apt install libhdf5-dev libhdf5-103

Install Python support packages.

sudo apt install python3-dev python3-pip python3-numpy

Increase the swap space. The swap space is the space that your operating system uses when RAM has reached its limit. 

sudo nano /etc/dphys-swapfile

Locate this line:


Change that to:


Save the file and close out using the following keystrokes, one after the other:




Regenerate the swap file:

sudo systemctl restart dphys-swapfile

Get the latest version of OpenCV from GitHub.

git clone
git clone

Both of these commands above will take a while to finish executing, so be patient.

Now, we need to compile OpenCV. We’ll create a new directory for this purpose.

mkdir ~/opencv/build
cd ~/opencv/build

Generate the makefile. Copy and paste this entire command below into your terminal and then press Enter.

    -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local \
    -D OPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH=~/opencv_contrib/modules \

Compile OpenCV using the command below. -j$(nproc) makes sure that all of the processors that are available to us are used for the compilation. This speeds things up:

make -j$(nproc)

Wait for OpenCV to compile. It will take a while, so you can go to lunch or do something else, and then return. My Raspberry Pi took about an hour to finish everything.

Once that compilation process has completed, you need to make sure the files get installed.

sudo make install

Run this command so that Raspberry Pi can find OpenCV.

sudo ldconfig

Now, let’s go back to the swapfile and reset the size to something smaller.

sudo nano /etc/dphys-swapfile

Locate this line:


Change that to:


Save the file and close out using the following keystrokes:




Restart swap.

sudo systemctl restart dphys-swapfile

Now, make sure that picamera is installed. picamera is a Python package that enables your camera to interface with your Python code. This second array module that we’re installing enables us to use OpenCV.

pip3 install picamera
pip3 install "picamera[array]"

Test OpenCV

Launch python.


Import OpenCV

import cv2

Check to see which version of OpenCV you have installed.


Here is what you should see:


To close out the window, type:


Capture Real-Time Video

Now, go to the Python IDE in your Raspberry Pi by clicking the logo -> Programming -> Thonny Python IDE.

Write the following code to capture a live video feed. Credit to Dr. Adrian Rosebrock for this source code. I’ll name the file

Here is the code:

# Credit: Adrian Rosebrock

# import the necessary packages
from picamera.array import PiRGBArray # Generates a 3D RGB array
from picamera import PiCamera # Provides a Python interface for the RPi Camera Module
import time # Provides time-related functions
import cv2 # OpenCV library

# Initialize the camera
camera = PiCamera()

# Set the camera resolution
camera.resolution = (640, 480)

# Set the number of frames per second
camera.framerate = 32

# Generates a 3D RGB array and stores it in rawCapture
raw_capture = PiRGBArray(camera, size=(640, 480))

# Wait a certain number of seconds to allow the camera time to warmup

# Capture frames continuously from the camera
for frame in camera.capture_continuous(raw_capture, format="bgr", use_video_port=True):
    # Grab the raw NumPy array representing the image
    image = frame.array
    # Display the frame using OpenCV
    cv2.imshow("Frame", image)
    # Wait for keyPress for 1 millisecond
    key = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF
    # Clear the stream in preparation for the next frame
    # If the `q` key was pressed, break from the loop
    if key == ord("q"):

When you’re ready, click Run. Here is what my output was:


That’s it for this tutorial. Keep building!

How To Install Ubuntu and Raspbian on Your Raspberry Pi 4

In this tutorial, we will set up a Raspberry Pi 4 with both the Ubuntu 20.04 and Raspbian operating systems.

You Will Need


This section is the complete list of components you will need for this project.

Install Ubuntu

Prepare the SD Card

Grab the USB MicroSD Card Reader.


Take off the cap of the USB MicroSD Card Reader.


Stick the MicroSD card inside the Card Reader.

Stick the Card Reader into the USB drive on your computer.

Download the Raspberry Pi Imager for your operating system. I’m using Windows, so I will download Raspberry Pi Imager for Windows.

Open the Raspberry Pi Imager. Follow the instructions to install it on your computer.

When the installation is complete, click Finish.

Open the CHOOSE OS menu.

Scroll down, and click “Ubuntu”.

Select the Ubuntu 20.04 download (32-bit server).


Select the microSD card you inserted. 

Click WRITE, and wait for the operating system to write to the card. It will take a while so be patient.

While you’re waiting, grab your Raspberry Pi 4 and the bag of heat sinks.


Peel off the backup of the heat sinks, and attach them to the corresponding chips on top of the Raspberry Pi.


Grab the cooling fan.


Connect the black wire to header pin 6 of the Raspberry Pi. Connect the red wire to header pin 1 of the Raspberry Pi.


Install the Raspberry Pi inside the case.


Connect the PiSwitch to the USB-C Power Supply. It should snap into place.


Once the installation of the operating system is complete, remove the microSD card reader from your laptop.

Set Up Wi-Fi

Reinsert the microSD card into your computer.


Open your File Manager, and find the network-config file. Mine is located on the F drive in Windows.

Open that file using Notepad or another plain text editor.

Uncomment (remove the “#” at the beginning) and edit the following lines to add your Wi-Fi credentials (don’t touch any of the other lines):

  dhcp4: true
  optional: true
    <wifi network name>:
      password: "<wifi password>"

For example:

  dhcp4: true
  optional: true
    "home network":
      password: "123456789"

Make sure the network name and password are inside quotes.

Save the file.

Set Up the Raspberry Pi

Safely remove the microSD Card Reader from your laptop.

Remove the microSD card from the card reader.

Insert the microSD card into the bottom of the Raspberry Pi.

Connect a keyboard and a mouse to the USB 3.0 ports of the Raspberry Pi.


Connect an HDMI monitor to the Raspberry Pi using the Micro HDMI cable connected to the Main MIcro HDMI port (which is labeled HDMI 0).

Connect the 3A USB-C Power Supply to the Raspberry Pi. You should see the computer boot.

Log in using “ubuntu” as both the password and login ID. You will have to do this multiple times.

You will then be asked to change your password.


sudo reboot

Type the command: 

hostname -I 

You will see the IP address of your Raspberry Pi. Mine is Write this number down on a piece of paper because you will need it later.

Now update and upgrade the packages.

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade

Now, install a desktop.

sudo apt install xubuntu-desktop

Installing the desktop should take around 20-30 minutes or so.

Once that is done, it will ask you what you want as your default display manager. I’m going to use gdm3.

Wait for that to download.

Reboot your computer.

sudo reboot

Your desktop should show up.

Type in your password and press ENTER.

Click on Activities in the upper left corner of the screen to find applications.

If you want to see a Windows-like desktop, type the following commands:

cd ~/.cache/sessions/

Remove any files in there.



Then press the Tab key and press Enter.

Now type:


Connect to Raspberry Pi from Your Personal Computer

Follow the steps for Putty under step 9b at this link to connect to your Raspberry Pi from your personal computer.

Install Raspbian

Now, we will install the Raspbian operating system. Turn off the Raspberry Pi, and remove the microSD card.

Insert the default microSD card that came with the kit.

Turn on the Raspberry Pi.

You should see an option to select “Raspbian Full [RECOMMENDED]”. Click the checkbox beside that.

Change the language to your desired language.

Click Wifi networks, and type in the password of your network.

Click Install.

Click Yes to confirm.

Wait while the operating system installs.

You’ll get a message that the operating system installed successfully.

Now follow all the steps from Step 7 of this tutorial. All the software updates at the initial startup take a really long time, so be patient. You can even go and grab lunch and return. It might not look like the progress bar is moving, but it is.


Keep building!

Working With ROS and OpenCV in ROS Noetic

In this tutorial, we’ll learn the basics of how to interface ROS with OpenCV, the popular real-time computer vision library. These basics will provide you with the foundation to add vision to your robotics applications.

We’ll create an image publisher node to publish webcam data to a topic, and we’ll create an image subscriber node that subscribes to that topic.

The official tutorial is here at the ROS website, but we’ll run through the steps of a basic example below.

Connect Your Built-in Webcam to Ubuntu 20.04 on a VirtualBox

The first thing you need to do is make sure a camera is connected to your Ubuntu installation, and make sure the camera is turned on in Ubuntu. If you are using Ubuntu in a VirtualBox on a Windows machine, you can follow these steps.

Create a New ROS Package

Let’s create a new package named cv_basics.

Open up a terminal window, and type these two commands, one right after the other:

cd ~/catkin_ws/src 
catkin_create_pkg cv_basics image_transport cv_bridge sensor_msgs rospy roscpp std_msgs

Create the Image Publisher Node (Python)

Change to the cv_basics package

roscd cv_basics

Create a directory for Python scripts.

mkdir scripts

Go into the scripts folder.

cd scripts

Open a new Python file named


Type the code below into it:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Basics ROS program to publish real-time streaming 
# video from your built-in webcam
# Author:
# - Addison Sears-Collins
# -

# Import the necessary libraries
import rospy # Python library for ROS
from sensor_msgs.msg import Image # Image is the message type
from cv_bridge import CvBridge # Package to convert between ROS and OpenCV Images
import cv2 # OpenCV library
def publish_message():

  # Node is publishing to the video_frames topic using 
  # the message type Image
  pub = rospy.Publisher('video_frames', Image, queue_size=10)
  # Tells rospy the name of the node.
  # Anonymous = True makes sure the node has a unique name. Random
  # numbers are added to the end of the name.
  rospy.init_node('video_pub_py', anonymous=True)
  # Go through the loop 10 times per second
  rate = rospy.Rate(10) # 10hz
  # Create a VideoCapture object
  # The argument '0' gets the default webcam.
  cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
  # Used to convert between ROS and OpenCV images
  br = CvBridge()

  # While ROS is still running.
  while not rospy.is_shutdown():
      # Capture frame-by-frame
      # This method returns True/False as well
      # as the video frame.
      ret, frame =
      if ret == True:
        # Print debugging information to the terminal
        rospy.loginfo('publishing video frame')
        # Publish the image.
        # The 'cv2_to_imgmsg' method converts an OpenCV
        # image to a ROS image message
      # Sleep just enough to maintain the desired rate
if __name__ == '__main__':
  except rospy.ROSInterruptException:

Save and close the editor.

Make the file an executable.

chmod +x

Create the Image Subscriber Node (Python)

Now, let’s create the subscriber node. We’ll name it


Type the code below into it:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Description:
# - Subscribes to real-time streaming video from your built-in webcam.
# Author:
# - Addison Sears-Collins
# -

# Import the necessary libraries
import rospy # Python library for ROS
from sensor_msgs.msg import Image # Image is the message type
from cv_bridge import CvBridge # Package to convert between ROS and OpenCV Images
import cv2 # OpenCV library

def callback(data):

  # Used to convert between ROS and OpenCV images
  br = CvBridge()

  # Output debugging information to the terminal
  rospy.loginfo("receiving video frame")
  # Convert ROS Image message to OpenCV image
  current_frame = br.imgmsg_to_cv2(data)
  # Display image
  cv2.imshow("camera", current_frame)
def receive_message():

  # Tells rospy the name of the node.
  # Anonymous = True makes sure the node has a unique name. Random
  # numbers are added to the end of the name. 
  rospy.init_node('video_sub_py', anonymous=True)
  # Node is subscribing to the video_frames topic
  rospy.Subscriber('video_frames', Image, callback)

  # spin() simply keeps python from exiting until this node is stopped

  # Close down the video stream when done
if __name__ == '__main__':

Save and close the editor.

Make the file an executable.

chmod +x

Build Both Nodes (Python)

Open a new terminal window, and type the following commands to build all the nodes in the package:

cd ~/catkin_ws

Launch Both Nodes (Python)

Now, let’s create a launch file that launches both the publisher and subscriber nodes.

Open a new terminal window, and go to your package.

roscd cv_basics

Create a new folder named launch.

mkdir launch

Move into the launch directory.

cd launch

Open a new file named cv_basics_py.launch.

gedit cv_basics_py.launch

Type the following code.


Save and close the editor.

Open a new terminal window, and launch the programs.

roslaunch cv_basics cv_basics_py.launch

Here is the camera output you should see:


Here is the output to the terminal window.


Press CTRL+C when you’re ready to move on.

Create and Build the Image Publisher Node (C++)

C++ is really the recommended language for publishing and subscribing to images in ROS. The proper way to publish and subscribe to images in ROS is to use image_transport, a tool that provides support for transporting images in compressed formats that use less memory.

image_transport currently only works for C++. There is no support for Python yet.

Let’s build a publisher node that publishes real-time video to a ROS topic.

Go to your src folder of your package.

roscd cv_basics/src

Open a new C++ file named webcam_pub_cpp.cpp.

gedit webcam_pub_cpp.cpp

Type the code below.

#include <cv_bridge/cv_bridge.h>
#include <image_transport/image_transport.h>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
#include <ros/ros.h>
#include <sensor_msgs/image_encodings.h>

// Author: Addison Sears-Collins
// Website:
// Description: A basic image publisher for ROS in C++
// Date: June 27, 2020

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    ros::init(argc, argv, "video_pub_cpp");
    ros::NodeHandle nh;  // Default handler for nodes in ROS

    // 0 reads from your default camera
    const int CAMERA_INDEX = 0;
    cv::VideoCapture capture(CAMERA_INDEX); 
    if (!capture.isOpened()) {
      ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Failed to open camera with index " << CAMERA_INDEX << "!");
    // Image_transport is responsible for publishing and subscribing to Images
    image_transport::ImageTransport it(nh);
    // Publish to the /camera topic
    image_transport::Publisher pub_frame = it.advertise("camera", 1);
    cv::Mat frame;//Mat is the image class defined in OpenCV
    sensor_msgs::ImagePtr msg;

    ros::Rate loop_rate(10);

    while (nh.ok()) {

      // Load image
      capture >> frame; 
      // Check if grabbed frame has content
      if (frame.empty()) {
        ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Failed to capture image!");

      // Convert image from cv::Mat (OpenCV) type to sensor_msgs/Image (ROS) type and publish
      msg = cv_bridge::CvImage(std_msgs::Header(), "bgr8", frame).toImageMsg();
      Cv_bridge can selectively convert color and depth information. In order to use the specified
      feature encoding, there is a centralized coding form:
        Mono8: CV_8UC1, grayscale image
        Mono16: CV_16UC1, 16-bit grayscale image
        Bgr8: CV_8UC3 with color information and the order of colors is BGR order
        Rgb8: CV_8UC3 with color information and the order of colors is RGB order
        Bgra8: CV_8UC4, BGR color image with alpha channel
        Rgba8: CV_8UC4, CV, RGB color image with alpha channel
      //cv::imshow("camera", image);
      cv::waitKey(1); // Display image for 1 millisecond


    // Shutdown the camera

Save and close the editor.

Go to your CMakeLists.txt file inside your package.

roscd cv_basics
gedit CMakeLists.txt

This code goes under the find_package(catkin …) block.


This code goes under the include_directories() block.


This code goes at the bottom of the CMakeLists.txt file.

add_executable(webcam_pub_cpp src/webcam_pub_cpp.cpp)
target_link_libraries(webcam_pub_cpp ${catkin_LIBRARIES} ${OpenCV_LIBRARIES})

Save the file, and close it.

Open a new terminal window, and type the following commands to build all the nodes in the package:

cd ~/catkin_ws

Run the Image Publisher Node (C++)

Open a new terminal window, and launch the publisher node.


In another terminal tab, type:

rosrun cv_basics webcam_pub_cpp

You shouldn’t see anything printed to your terminal window.

To see the video frames that are getting published, type this command in yet another terminal tab. We can’t use the rostopic echo /camera command since it would spit out data that is not readable by humans.

You need to use a special node called the image_view node that displays images that are published to a specific topic (the /camera topic in our case).

rosrun image_view image_view image:=/camera

Here is what you should see:


Press CTRL+C to stop all the processes.

Create and Build the Image Subscriber Node (C++)

Go to your src folder of your package.

roscd cv_basics/src

Open a new C++ file named webcam_sub_cpp.cpp.

gedit webcam_sub_cpp.cpp

Type the code below.

#include <ros/ros.h>
#include <image_transport/image_transport.h>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
#include <cv_bridge/cv_bridge.h>

// Author: Addison Sears-Collins
// Website:
// Description: A basic image subscriber for ROS in C++
// Date: June 27, 2020

void imageCallback(const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr& msg)

  // Pointer used for the conversion from a ROS message to 
  // an OpenCV-compatible image
  cv_bridge::CvImagePtr cv_ptr;
    // Convert the ROS message  
    cv_ptr = cv_bridge::toCvCopy(msg, "bgr8");
    // Store the values of the OpenCV-compatible image
    // into the current_frame variable
    cv::Mat current_frame = cv_ptr->image;
    // Display the current frame
    cv::imshow("view", current_frame); 
    // Display frame for 30 milliseconds
  catch (cv_bridge::Exception& e)
    ROS_ERROR("Could not convert from '%s' to 'bgr8'.", msg->encoding.c_str());

int main(int argc, char **argv)
  // The name of the node
  ros::init(argc, argv, "frame_listener");
  // Default handler for nodes in ROS
  ros::NodeHandle nh;
  // Used to publish and subscribe to images
  image_transport::ImageTransport it(nh);
  // Subscribe to the /camera topic
  image_transport::Subscriber sub = it.subscribe("camera", 1, imageCallback);
  // Make sure we keep reading new video frames by calling the imageCallback function
  // Close down OpenCV

Save and close the editor.

Go to your CMakeLists.txt file inside your package.

roscd cv_basics
gedit CMakeLists.txt

Add this code to the bottom of the file.

add_executable(webcam_sub_cpp src/webcam_sub_cpp.cpp)
target_link_libraries(webcam_sub_cpp ${catkin_LIBRARIES} ${OpenCV_LIBRARIES})

Save the file, and close it.

Open a new terminal window, and type the following commands to build all the nodes in the package:

cd ~/catkin_ws

Launch Both Nodes (C++)

Go to your launch folder.

roscd cv_basics/launch

Open a new launch file.

gedit cv_basics_cpp.launch

Type the following code.


Save and close the editor.

Open a new terminal window, and launch the nodes.

roslaunch cv_basics cv_basics_cpp.launch

You should see output from the camera:


Press CTRL+C to stop all the processes.

That’s it. Keep building!