How to Generate Doxygen Comments for C++ Code

In this tutorial, we will learn how to generate Doxygen comments in C++ code using Visual Studio Code. Doxygen comments are essential for creating clear, professional documentation for your robotics code.



Open a terminal window, and type this:

cd ~/Documents/cpp_tutorial
code .

Click the Extensions icon in the sidebar.

Search for “Doxygen Documentation Generator“.

Install the extension by Christoph Schlosser.


Create a new file, and save it as robot_controller_doxygen.cpp. This will be our working file for this tutorial.

Type the following code into the editor:

#include <string>

class RobotController {
        double maxSpeed;
        std::string robotName;

        RobotController(std::string name, double speed);
        void moveForward(double distance);

To generate Doxygen comments, place your cursor above the class or function you want to document and type /** followed by Enter. The extension will automatically generate a comment template. Fill it in like this:

#include <string>

 * @brief Controller class for robot movement
 * @details Handles basic movement operations and speed control for the robot
class RobotController {
        double maxSpeed;
        std::string robotName;

         * @brief Construct a new Robot Controller object
         * @param name The name identifier for the robot
         * @param speed The maximum speed in meters per second
        RobotController(std::string name, double speed);

         * @brief Moves the robot forward by the specified distance
         * @param distance The distance to move in meters
         * @return void
        void moveForward(double distance);

Understanding the Code

Doxygen comments use special tags that begin with @ or \:

  • @brief provides a short description
  • @details gives a more detailed explanation
  • @param documents a parameter
  • @return describes the return value

The extension automatically generates the appropriate tags based on the code it’s documenting. You just need to fill in the descriptions.

Thanks, and I’ll see you in the next tutorial.

Keep building!

How to Implement Object-Oriented Programming Basics in C++

In this tutorial, we will explore object-oriented programming basics in C++.


Implementing Classes and Objects

In this tutorial, we’re going to enhance our understanding of object-oriented programming in C++ by creating a class to represent a robotic distance sensor. Sensors are pivotal in robotics, providing the ability to perceive and interact with the environment.

Open a terminal window, and type this:

cd ~/Documents/cpp_tutorial
code .

Let’s begin by creating a new C++ file and naming it distance_sensor.cpp.

Type the following code into the editor:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

// Definition of the DistanceSensor class
class DistanceSensor {
    double range;  // Maximum range of the sensor in meters

    // Constructor that initializes the sensor's range
    DistanceSensor(double max_range) : range(max_range) {}

    // Method to display the maximum range of the sensor
    void displayRange() {
        cout << "Sensor maximum range: " << range << " meters" << endl;

int main() {
    // Creating an instance of DistanceSensor with a range of 1.5 meters
    DistanceSensor front_sensor(1.5);
    front_sensor.displayRange();  // Calling the display method
    return 0;

Here’s a breakdown of what we just wrote:

#include <iostream> allows us to use input and output operations, specifically cout for displaying text.

We declare a class named DistanceSensor that models a distance sensor in a robotic system. It includes:

  • A private data member range, which is not accessible outside the class. This encapsulation is a key principle of object-oriented programming, protecting the integrity of the data.
  • A public constructor that initializes the range when a new object is created. The initializer list (: range(max_range)) directly sets the range member variable.
  • A public method displayRange() that outputs the range to the console. This method demonstrates how objects can have behaviors through functions.

Run the code.


This example shows how to define a class with private data and public methods, encapsulating the functionality in a way that’s easy to manage and expand for larger robotic systems. Using classes like this helps keep your robot’s code organized and modular.

Using Header Files

Let’s learn how to use header files in C++ to organize our code. Whether you’re building a small project or a complex robotics system, understanding header files is important.

Header files (typically ending in .hpp or .h) serve as a “contract” or “interface” for your code. They declare what functionality is available without specifying how that functionality is implemented. This separation between declaration and implementation is a key principle in C++ programming.

Let’s create a minimal example with two files:

  1. robot.hpp – Our header file containing the class declaration
  2. robot.cpp – Our implementation file containing the actual code and main function

Type the following code into robot.hpp:

#ifndef ROBOT_HPP_
#define ROBOT_HPP_

class Robot {
    void greet();


Let’s break down what’s happening here:

  • #ifndef, #define, and #endif are called “include guards”. They prevent multiple inclusions of the same header file, which could cause compilation errors.
  • The class Robot is declared with a single public method greet().
  • Notice we only declare what the class can do, not how it does it.

Now type the following code into robot.cpp:

#include "robot.hpp"
#include <iostream>

void Robot::greet() {
    std::cout << "Hello, I am a robot." << std::endl;

int main() {
    Robot my_robot;
    return 0;

Here’s what’s happening in our implementation file:

  • #include “robot.hpp” tells the compiler to insert the contents of our header file here.
  • #include <iostream> gives us access to input/output functionality.
  • We implement the greet() method using Robot::greet() syntax to specify it belongs to the Robot class.
  • The main() function creates a robot object and calls its method.

When you use #include, the compiler looks for the specified file in different locations depending on how you include it:

  • #include “file.hpp” (with quotes): Searches first in the current directory, then in compiler-specified include paths
  • #include <file.hpp> (with angles): Searches only in compiler-specified system include paths (e.g. /usr/include)

Run the robot.cpp code using Code Runner.

You could also run the code as follows…

Open a terminal in Visual Studio Code by navigating to ‘Terminal’ in the top menu and clicking on ‘New Terminal’. Type the following command to compile:

g++ robot.cpp -o robot

This command compiles robot.cpp, and because robot.hpp is in the same directory and included in robot.cpp, the compiler finds it without issue. 

If robot.hpp were in another directory, you would need to tell the compiler where to find it using the -I option followed by the path to the directory.

Run the program with:


Defining Access Specifiers: Private, Protected, and Public

Let’s explore access specifiers in C++, which are important for object-oriented programming in robotics applications. Access specifiers determine the visibility and accessibility of class members, ensuring proper encapsulation and data protection.

Let’s create a new C++ file and name it access_specifiers.cpp.

Type the following code into the editor:

#include <iostream>

class Robot {
    int battery_level_; // Only accessible within the class

    int max_speed_; // Accessible within the class and derived classes

    Robot(int battery, int speed) {
        battery_level_ = battery;
        max_speed_ = speed;

    void print_status() {
        std::cout << "Battery Level: " << battery_level_ << std::endl;
        std::cout << "Max Speed: " << max_speed_ << std::endl;

int main() {
    Robot my_robot(75, 10);
    my_robot.print_status(); // Allowed as print_status() is public
    return 0;

In this example, we define a Robot class with three members:

  • battery_level_ (private): Only accessible within the Robot class itself.
  • max_speed_ (protected): Accessible within the Robot class and any classes derived from it.
  • print_status() (public): Accessible from anywhere, including outside the class.

The private specifier ensures that the battery_level_ variable cannot be accessed or modified directly from outside the class, promoting data encapsulation and preventing unintended modifications.

The protected specifier allows the max_speed_ variable to be accessed by the Robot class and any classes derived from it, facilitating code reuse and inheritance in robotics applications.

The public specifier makes the print_status() function accessible from anywhere, allowing other parts of the program to retrieve and display the robot’s status.

Run the code.

You should see the robot’s battery level and max speed printed in the terminal.


Employing the static Keyword

Let’s explore the static keyword in C++ and how it can be useful in robotics projects.

The static keyword in C++ has two primary uses:

  1. Static variables: When a variable is declared as static inside a function, it retains its value between function calls.
  2. Static member variables and functions: When a member variable or function is declared as static in a class, it belongs to the class itself rather than any specific instance of the class.

Create a new C++ file and name it static_example.cpp.

Type the following code into the editor:

#include <iostream>

void increment_counter() {
    static int count = 0;
    std::cout << "Counter: " << count << std::endl;

int main() {
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
    return 0;

In this code, we define a function called increment_counter() that increments a static variable count each time it is called. The count variable is initialized to 0 only once, and its value persists between function calls.

In the main() function, we call increment_counter() five times using a for loop.

Run the code.


You should see the value of count increasing with each function call, demonstrating that the static variable retains its value between calls.

This example illustrates how static variables can be useful in robotics projects. For instance, you might use a static variable to keep track of the total distance traveled by a robot or to count the number of objects a robot has picked up.

Static member variables and functions are also valuable in robotics, as they allow you to define properties and behaviors that are shared by all instances of a class, such as a robot’s maximum speed or a function that calculates the inverse kinematics for a robotic arm.

Implementing Constructors

Let’s learn about constructors in C++ and how they can be used in robotics projects.

Constructors are special member functions in C++ that are automatically called when an object of a class is created. They are used to initialize the object’s data members and perform any necessary setup.

Create a new C++ file and name it constructor_example.cpp.

Type the following code into the editor:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

class Robot {
    Robot(std::string name, int x, int y) {
        name_ = name;
        x_ = x;
        y_ = y;
        std::cout << "Robot " << name_ << " created at position (" << x_ << ", " << y_ << ")" << std::endl;

    std::string name_;
    int x_;
    int y_;

int main() {
    Robot robot1("AutomaticAddisonBot1", 0, 0);
    Robot robot2("AutomaticAddisonBot2", 10, 20);
    return 0;

In this code, we define a Robot class with a constructor that takes three parameters: name, x, and y. The constructor initializes the name_, x_, and y_ data members of the class and prints a message indicating the robot’s name and initial position.

In the main() function, we create two Robot objects, robot1 and robot2, with different names and initial positions.

Run the code.


You should see messages in the terminal indicating the creation of the two robots with their respective names and initial positions.

This example demonstrates how constructors can be used to initialize objects in a robotics project. You can use constructors to set up a robot’s initial state, such as its position, orientation, or any other relevant parameters.

Overloading Functions

Let’s explore function overloading in C++ and how you can apply it in your robotics projects.

Function overloading is a feature in C++ that allows you to define multiple functions with the same name but different parameter lists. The compiler distinguishes between the overloaded functions based on the number, types, and order of the arguments passed when the function is called.

Create a new C++ file and name it overloading_example.cpp.

Type the following code into the editor:

#include <iostream>

void move_robot(int distance) {
    std::cout << "Moving robot forward by " << distance << " units" << std::endl;

void move_robot(int x, int y) {
    std::cout << "Moving robot to position (" << x << ", " << y << ")" << std::endl;

int main() {
    move_robot(5, 7);
    return 0;

In this code, we define two functions named move_robot. The first function takes a single integer parameter distance, while the second function takes two integer parameters x and y.

The first move_robot function simulates moving the robot forward by a specified distance, while the second move_robot function simulates moving the robot to a specific position on a 2D plane.

In the main() function, we call both overloaded move_robot functions with different arguments.

Run the code.


You should see messages in the terminal indicating the robot’s movement based on the arguments passed to the overloaded move_robot functions.

Function overloading is particularly useful when you want to provide multiple ways to perform a similar action, such as moving a robot, but with different parameters or units of measurement.

Implementing Destructors

Let’s learn about destructors in C++ and how you can use them in robotics projects.

Destructors are special member functions in C++ that are automatically called when an object of a class is destroyed. They are used to clean up any resources allocated by the object during its lifetime, such as memory, file handles, or network connections.

Create a new C++ file, and name it destructor_example.cpp.

Type the following code into the editor:

#include <iostream>

class RobotController {
    RobotController() {
        std::cout << "Robot controller initialized" << std::endl;

    ~RobotController() {
        std::cout << "Robot controller shutting down" << std::endl;
        // Clean up resources, e.g., close connections, release memory

    void control_robot() {
        std::cout << "Controlling robot..." << std::endl;

int main() {
    RobotController controller;
    return 0;

In this code, we define a RobotController class with a constructor and a destructor. The constructor is called when a RobotController object is created, and it prints a message indicating that the controller has been initialized.

The destructor is prefixed with a tilde (~) and has the same name as the class. It is called when the RobotController object goes out of scope or is explicitly deleted. 

In this example, the destructor prints a message indicating that the controller is shutting down. In a real-world scenario, the destructor would also clean up any resources allocated by the controller.

The control_robot() function simulates the controller performing some robot control tasks.

In the main() function, we create a RobotController object named controller and call its control_robot() function.

Run the code.


You should see messages in the terminal indicating the initialization of the robot controller, the control of the robot, and finally, the shutting down of the controller when the object is destroyed.

This example demonstrates how destructors can be used in robotics projects to ensure proper cleanup and resource management. Destructors are particularly important when working with limited resources or when managing external connections, such as communication with hardware or other systems.

Thanks, and I’ll see you in the next tutorial.

Keep building!

How to Use Arrays, Vectors, and Strings in C++

In this tutorial, we will explore arrays, vectors, and strings using C++.


Managing Arrays

Let’s explore how to manage arrays in C++ for robotics. Arrays are a fundamental data structure that allows you to store and manipulate multiple values of the same type.

Open a terminal window, and type this:

cd ~/Documents/cpp_tutorial
code .

Let’s create a new C++ file and name it robot_arrays.cpp.

Type the following code into the editor:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main() {
    const int size = 5;
    int sensor_readings[size];

    // Initializing the array
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        sensor_readings[i] = i * 10;

    // Accessing array elements
    cout << "Sensor Readings:" << endl;
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        cout << "Sensor " << i + 1 << ": " << sensor_readings[i] << endl;

    return 0;

In this example, we demonstrate how to declare, initialize, and access elements of an array.

First, we declare a constant size to represent the size of the array. Then, we declare an integer array sensor_readings with a size of size.

Next, we use a for loop to initialize the array elements. In this case, we assign each element a value that is a multiple of 10 based on its index.

After initializing the array, we use another for loop to access and print each element of the array. We use the array indexing syntax sensor_readings[i] to access individual elements, where i is the index of the element.

Run the code.


You should see the sensor readings printed in the terminal.

This example demonstrates the basic management of arrays in C++ for robotics. Arrays are useful for storing and processing collections of related data, such as sensor readings, robot positions, or any other data that needs to be organized and accessed efficiently.

When working with arrays, it’s important to be mindful of the array size and ensure that you don’t access elements outside the valid range to avoid undefined behavior.

Arrays are a powerful tool in robotic programming, allowing you to store and manipulate data efficiently. They are commonly used for tasks such as storing sensor data, tracking robot positions, or representing configuration parameters.

Employing Vectors

Let’s explore how to employ vectors in C++ for robotics. Vectors are a dynamic array container provided by the C++ Standard Library that offer flexibility and convenience when working with resizable arrays.

Let’s create a new C++ file and name it robot_vectors.cpp.

Type the following code into the editor:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

int main() {
    vector<int> motor_speeds;

    // Adding elements to the vector

    // Accessing vector elements
    cout << "Motor Speeds:" << endl;
    for (int i = 0; i < motor_speeds.size(); i++) {
        cout << "Motor " << i + 1 << ": " << motor_speeds[i] << endl;

    return 0;

In this example, we demonstrate how to declare, add elements to, and access elements of a vector.

First, we include the <vector> header to use the vector container. Then, we declare a vector named motor_speeds that will store integer values.

To add elements to the vector, we use the push_back() member function. In this case, we add three motor speed values to the vector.

To access the elements of the vector, we use a for loop that iterates from 0 to the size of the vector. 

We use the size() member function to get the number of elements in the vector. Inside the loop, we access each element using the array indexing syntax motor_speeds[i], where i is the index of the element.

Run the code.


You should see the motor speeds printed in the terminal.

In robotic projects, you can use vectors to store and process sensor readings, track robot trajectories, manage lists of tasks, or any other scenario where dynamic arrays are needed.

Manipulating Strings

Let’s explore how to manipulate strings in C++ for robotics. Strings are a fundamental data type used to represent and work with text data.

Let’s create a new C++ file and name it robot_strings.cpp.

Type the following code into the editor:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

int main() {
    string robot_name = "AutomaticAddisonBot";
    // Accessing string characters
    cout << "Robot Name: " << robot_name << endl;
    cout << "First Character: " << robot_name[0] << endl;
    // Modifying string
    robot_name[8] = '-';
    cout << "Modified Robot Name: " << robot_name << endl;
    // Concatenating strings
    string model = "X100";
    string full_name = robot_name + " " + model;
    cout << "Full Name: " << full_name << endl;
    return 0;

In this example, we demonstrate how to declare, access, modify, and concatenate strings.

First, we include the <string> header to use the string data type. 

Then, we declare a string variable named robot_name and assign it the value “AutomaticAddisonBot”.

To access individual characters of the string, we use the array indexing syntax. We print the first character of the robot name using robot_name[0].

To modify a character in the string, we use the array indexing syntax and assign a new value to a specific position. In this case, we change the character at index 4 to a hyphen.

To concatenate strings, we use the + operator. We declare a new string variable model and assign it the value “X100”. 

Then, we concatenate robot_name, a space character, and model to create a new string full_name, which represents the complete name of the robot.

Run the code.


You should see the robot name, the first character, the modified robot name, and the full name printed in the terminal.

This example demonstrates the basic manipulation of strings in C++ for robotics. Strings are essential for working with text data, such as robot names, commands, or messages.

Employing Character Functions

Let’s explore how to employ character functions in C++ for robotics. Character functions are useful for manipulating and analyzing individual characters in a string.

Let’s create a new C++ file and name it robot_char_functions.cpp.

Type the following code into the editor:

#include <iostream>
#include <cctype>

using namespace std;

int main() {
    char command = 'f';

    // Checking character properties
    if (islower(command)) {
        cout << "Command is lowercase" << endl;

    // Converting character case
    char uppercase_command = toupper(command);
    cout << "Uppercase Command: " << uppercase_command << endl;

    // Checking character equality
    if (command == 'f') {
        cout << "Command is 'f'" << endl;

    return 0;

In this example, we demonstrate how to use character functions to check character properties, convert character case, and compare characters.

First, we include the <cctype> header to use the character functions. 

Then, we declare a character variable command and assign it the value ‘f’.

To check if a character is lowercase, we use the islower() function. It returns a non-zero value if the character is lowercase, and zero otherwise. 

We use an if statement to check the result and print a message if the command is lowercase.

To convert a character to uppercase, we use the toupper() function. It returns the uppercase equivalent of the character. We assign the result to a new character variable uppercase_command and print it.

To compare characters, we use the equality operator ==. In this case, we check if the command is equal to the character ‘f’. If the condition is true, we print a message indicating that the command is ‘f’.

Run the code.


You should see the messages indicating that the command is lowercase, the uppercase equivalent of the command, and that the command is ‘f’ printed in the terminal.

In robotic projects, you can use character functions for tasks such as validating user input, processing command strings, or analyzing sensor data that involves individual characters.

Keep building!