How to Create a ROS 2 Package – Jazzy

In this tutorial, we will create a ROS 2 package. The official instructions for creating a package are here, but I will walk you through the entire process, step by step.

Follow along with me click by click, keystroke by keystroke.


What is a Package?

In ROS 2, a package is a folder that contains files related to a specific functionality or a component of a robotic system.

This folder includes things like:

  • The actual code that makes the package do what it’s supposed to do.
  • Files that help define how the code should be started and set up.
  • Any special message types or configurations the package needs to work properly.

ROS 2 packages are designed to perform specific jobs. For example, consider a robot that needs to determine its position and orientation within a given environment. 

In ROS 2, you could create a package called “localization” to handle this specific task.

The “localization” package would contain:

  • The code that processes data from the robot’s sensors (e.g., cameras or LIDAR) and uses algorithms to estimate the robot’s position and orientation.
  • A file, known as a README file, that explains the purpose of the package and how to install the code.
  • Any custom message the package needs to share localization data with other parts of the robot’s software, such as the estimated position and orientation.

By organizing the localization functionality into its own ROS 2 package, you can focus on developing and refining the algorithms and code specific to localization without worrying about other aspects of the robot’s software. 

This modular approach makes it easier to maintain, debug, and improve the localization capabilities of your robot, and allows you to reuse the package across different projects or robots that require similar localization features.

For a real-world robotics project, you will combine multiple packages together to create a complete robotic application that performs various tasks and functions. 

Create the Package

Let’s create our first ROS 2 package.

Open a terminal window.

Type the following commands

cd ~/ros2_ws/src

Best practice is to create your ROS 2 packages inside the src directory.

Now let’s run the ros2 command for creating our first package.

ros2 pkg create --build-type ament_cmake --license Apache-2.0 ros2_fundamentals_examples

This command creates a new ROS 2 package named ros2_fundamentals_examples. We could have called our package any name, but I chose to call it ros2_fundamentals_examples.

  • –build-type ament_cmake specifies that the package should use the ament_cmake build system, which is the recommended build system for ROS 2 packages written in C++. Think of it as a set of instructions and tools that help you put together all the pieces of your ROS 2 package, making sure everything is properly compiled, linked, and ready to run.
  • –license Apache-2.0 sets the license for the package to Apache License 2.0, which is a license that has minimal restrictions on how others can use, modify, and distribute the software.

Now let’s build our new package. First navigate to the root of the workspace.

cd ~/ros2_ws
colcon build 

Let’s see if our new package is recognized by ROS 2.

Either open a new terminal window or source the bashrc file like this:

source ~/.bashrc
ros2 pkg list

You can see the newly created package right there at the top.


Add the “build” Alias to the Bashrc File

Now open a terminal window, and type this:

echo "alias build='cd ~/ros2_ws && colcon build'" >> ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc

This single command adds the alias called “build” to your .bashrc file. Anytime you want to build all the packages in your ros2 workspace, all you have to do now is type:


Configure Colcon

colcon is the primary command-line tool for building, testing, and installing ROS packages.

In your terminal window, type the following commands:

sudo apt install python3-colcon-common-extensions
sudo apt install python3-argcomplete

This command enables argument completion when typing colcon.

Open a new terminal window, and type this:

cd ~/ros2_ws/

Start typing the colcon command followed by a space:

colcon <space>

Press the Tab key two times. 

The shell will display the available subcommands for colcon.


Type b and press Tab again. The shell will complete the build subcommand.


Add a space after build.

Press Tab three times. 

The shell will display the available options for the build subcommand:


Type –packages-select followed by a space and the first few letters of your package name, then press Tab. The shell will complete the package name if it finds a match.

colcon build --packages-select ro_<Tab>

For example, for the package named ros2_fundamentals_examples, you can type:

colcon build --packages-select ros2_fundamentals_examples

Press Enter to execute the command and build the selected package.


Now let’s set up the colcon_cd command. This command allows you to change between the current working directory and the directory of a package. 

Type these commands:

echo "source /usr/share/colcon_cd/function/" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export _colcon_cd_root=/opt/ros/\${ROS_DISTRO}/" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

Now, from any directory, you can get to the ros2_fundamentals_examples package by typing this command in the terminal:

colcon_cd ros2_fundamentals_examples

Install Useful Packages (Optional but Recommended)

Let’s install some useful external packages that will help us along the way. 

If you don’t have Terminator, install it now. Terminator lets you have multiple terminal windows open within a single interface.

Type the following command:

sudo apt-get update -y && sudo apt-get upgrade -y && sudo apt-get install terminator -y

To open terminator, you can either click the ring in the bottom left of your Desktop (i.e. “Show Apps” button) and search for “terminator,” or you can type terminator in a regular terminal window.


You can right-click to split the terminal into different panels.

Let’s install some useful ROS 2 packages. You don’t need to worry about what these packages do for now. 

Open a terminal window, and type the following:

sudo apt-get install -y ros-${ROS_DISTRO}-ros-gz ros-${ROS_DISTRO}-gz-ros2-control ros-${ROS_DISTRO}-gz-ros2-control-demos ros-${ROS_DISTRO}-joint-state-publisher-gui ros-${ROS_DISTRO}-moveit ros-${ROS_DISTRO}-xacro ros-${ROS_DISTRO}-ros2-control ros-${ROS_DISTRO}-ros2-controllers libserial-dev python3-pip

That’s it! Keep building!

Working With Miscellaneous Topics in C++

In this tutorial, we will explore miscellaneous useful features in C++.


Defining Variables

Let’s cover how to define variables in C++. Understanding variable types and how to use them effectively is fundamental for programming in robotics, where you need to handle various types of data, from sensor readings to actuator commands.

Defining Enums 

Let’s explore enums in C++, which allow you to create named constants for better code readability and type safety in robotics applications.

Open a terminal window, and type this: 

cd ~/Documents/cpp_tutorial 
code . 

Create a new C++ file and name it enum_example.cpp.

Type the following code into the editor:

#include <iostream>

enum class RobotState {

void print_robot_state(RobotState state) {
    switch (state) {
        case RobotState::IDLE:
            std::cout << "Robot is idle." << std::endl;
        case RobotState::MOVING:
            std::cout << "Robot is moving." << std::endl;
        case RobotState::GRASPING:
            std::cout << "Robot is grasping an object." << std::endl;
        case RobotState::ERROR:
            std::cout << "Robot encountered an error." << std::endl;

int main() {
    RobotState current_state = RobotState::IDLE;

    current_state = RobotState::MOVING;

    return 0;

In this code, we include the necessary header: iostream for input/output operations.

We define an enum class named RobotState to represent different states of a robot. The enum constants are IDLE, MOVING, GRASPING, and ERROR. Using an enum class provides strong typing and prevents naming conflicts.

We define a function print_robot_state() that takes a RobotState as a parameter. Inside the function, we use a switch statement to match the state and print the corresponding message.

In the main function, we create a variable current_state of type RobotState and initialize it with RobotState::IDLE. We pass this state to the print_robot_state() function, which prints the appropriate message.

We then change the current_state to RobotState::MOVING and call print_robot_state() again with the updated state.

Run the code.


You should see the messages corresponding to the idle and moving states of the robot printed in the terminal.

Enums provide a way to create named constants, making your code more expressive and self-explanatory. They are particularly useful for representing states, modes, or options in robotic systems, improving code readability and reducing the chances of errors.

Generating Random Numbers

Let’s explore how to generate random numbers in C++, a useful technique for various robotics applications, such as simulations, sensor noise modeling, and path planning algorithms.

Let’s create a new C++ file called random_numbers_example.cpp.

Type the following code into the editor:

#include <iostream>
#include <random>
#include <ctime>

int main() {
    // Seed the random number generator
    std::srand(static_cast<unsigned int>(std::time(nullptr)));

    // Generate random integers
    int random_int = std::rand();
    std::cout << "Random integer: " << random_int << std::endl;

    // Generate random floats between 0 and 1
    float random_float = static_cast<float>(std::rand()) / static_cast<float>(RAND_MAX);
    std::cout << "Random float between 0 and 1: " << random_float << std::endl;

    // Generate random numbers within a range
    int min_value = 10;
    int max_value = 50;
    int random_range = min_value + (std::rand() % (max_value - min_value + 1));
    std::cout << "Random integer between " << min_value << " and " << max_value << ": " << random_range << std::endl;

    // Using the Mersenne Twister random number engine
    std::random_device rd;
    std::mt19937 gen(rd());
    std::uniform_real_distribution<double> dis(0.0, 1.0);
    double random_double = dis(gen);
    std::cout << "Random double between 0 and 1 (Mersenne Twister): " << random_double << std::endl;

    return 0;

In this example, we include the necessary headers: iostream for input/output operations, random for the Mersenne Twister random number engine, and ctime for seeding the random number generator.

First, we seed the random number generator using std::srand and the current time from std::time(nullptr). This ensures that we get a different sequence of random numbers each time we run the program.

We then generate a random integer using std::rand() and print it to the console.

Next, we generate a random float between 0 and 1 by dividing a random integer from std::rand() by the maximum value RAND_MAX.

To generate a random number within a specific range, we use the modulo operator % to get a random value between min_value and max_value and add min_value to shift the range.

For more advanced random number generation, we use the Mersenne Twister algorithm, which provides better statistical properties than the standard std::rand() function.

We create a std::random_device object rd to obtain a seed value, initialize a std::mt19937 generator gen with the seed, and create a std::uniform_real_distribution object dis to generate random doubles between 0 and 1. 

Finally, we generate a random double using dis(gen) and print it to the console.

Run the code.


You will see the random integers, floats, and doubles generated using different techniques printed in the terminal.

We’ve covered a lot of ground in these tutorials, from basic C++ concepts to advanced topics. Each of these features plays an important role in robotics programming, whether you’re working on motion control, sensor processing, or complex autonomous systems. 

Remember that writing good robotics code is about more than just making things work – it’s about writing clean, efficient, and maintainable code that can be reliably deployed in real-world applications. 

Don’t be afraid to experiment with combining different features to solve complex problems. The skills you’ve learned in these C++ tutorials will serve as a strong foundation for your robotics programming journey.

Thanks for following along with these tutorials.

Keep building!

How to Use the Standard Template Library (STL) in C++

In this tutorial, we will learn how to use the Standard Template Library (STL) in C++.


Working with Double-Ended Queues (Deques)

Let’s explore how to use deques in C++ for managing sensor data streams and other robotics applications. Deques are particularly useful when you need to process data from both ends of a collection efficiently. 

Open a terminal window, and type this:

cd ~/Documents/cpp_tutorial 
code . 

Now, let’s create a new C++ file and name it sensor_data_handling.cpp.

Type the following code into the editor:

#include <iostream>
#include <deque>

int main() {
    // Simulating a stream of sensor data
    std::deque<float> sensor_data;

    // Adding new readings at the back

    // Processing new reading at the front
    std::cout << "Processing sensor reading: " << sensor_data.front() << std::endl;

    // More readings are added

    // Processing another reading
    std::cout << "Processing sensor reading: " << sensor_data.front() << std::endl;

    // Display remaining data
    std::cout << "Remaining sensor data:";
    for (float reading : sensor_data) {
        std::cout << ' ' << reading;
    std::cout << std::endl;

    return 0;

Run the code.


You should see how the sensor readings are processed and the status of the queue after each operation.

This example demonstrates how deques can be effectively used in robotics to handle data streams where the newest data might need immediate processing and older data needs to be cleared after handling. This is important for maintaining real-time performance in systems like autonomous vehicles or robotic sensors.

Employing Iterators

Let’s explore how to employ iterators in C++ for robotics applications. Iterators provide a flexible way to traverse and manipulate elements in containers, such as vectors and arrays, which are commonly used in robotics to store and process data.

Let’s start by creating a new C++ file and naming it iterator_example.cpp.

Type the following code into the editor:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

int main() {
    std::vector<int> sensor_data = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50};
    // Using iterators to traverse and print the vector
    for (auto it = sensor_data.begin(); it != sensor_data.end(); ++it) {
        std::cout << *it << " ";
    std::cout << std::endl;
    // Using iterators to modify elements in the vector
    for (auto it = sensor_data.begin(); it != sensor_data.end(); ++it) {
        *it *= 2;
    // Printing the modified vector
    for (const auto& value : sensor_data) {
        std::cout << value << " ";
    std::cout << std::endl;
    return 0;

In this code, we include the necessary headers: iostream for input/output operations and vector for the vector container.

In the main function, we create a vector named sensor_data to represent a collection of sensor readings. We initialize it with some sample values.

We use iterators to traverse and print the elements of the vector. We create an iterator it and initialize it to sensor_data.begin(), which points to the first element. 

We iterate until it reaches sensor_data.end(), which is the position after the last element. Inside the loop, we dereference the iterator using *it to access the value at the current position and print it.

Next, we use iterators to modify the elements in the vector. We create another iterator it and iterate over the vector as before. This time, we dereference the iterator and multiply the value by 2, effectively doubling each element.

Finally, we print the modified vector using a range-based for loop, which automatically uses iterators under the hood to traverse the vector.

Run the code.


You should see the original vector printed, followed by the modified vector with each element doubled.

Working with Deques, Lists, and Forward lists

Let’s explore how to work with deques, lists, and forward lists in C++ for robotics applications. These container types offer different characteristics and are useful in various scenarios when dealing with robotic data and algorithms.

Let’s start by creating a new C++ file and naming it container_example.cpp.

Type the following code into the editor:

#include <iostream>
#include <deque>
#include <list>
#include <forward_list>

int main() {
    // Working with deques
    std::deque<int> robot_positions = {10, 20, 30};
    std::cout << "Deque: ";
    for (const auto& pos : robot_positions) {
        std::cout << pos << " ";
    std::cout << std::endl;

    // Working with lists
    std::list<std::string> robot_actions = {"move", "rotate", "scan"};
    std::cout << "List: ";
    for (const auto& action : robot_actions) {
        std::cout << action << " ";
    std::cout << std::endl;

    // Working with forward lists
    std::forward_list<double> sensor_readings = {1.5, 2.7, 3.2};
    std::cout << "Forward List: ";
    for (const auto& reading : sensor_readings) {
        std::cout << reading << " ";
    std::cout << std::endl;

    return 0;

In this code, we include the necessary headers: iostream for input/output operations, deque for the deque container, list for the list container, and forward_list for the forward list container.

In the main function, we demonstrate working with each container type:

  • Deque: We create a deque named robot_positions to store integer positions. We use push_front() to add an element at the front and push_back() to add an element at the back. We then print the contents of the deque using a range-based for loop.
  • List: We create a list named robot_actions to store string actions. We use push_back() to add an element at the back and push_front() to add an element at the front. We print the contents of the list using a range-based for loop.
  • Forward List: We create a forward list named sensor_readings to store double readings. We use push_front() to add an element at the front. We print the contents of the forward list using a range-based for loop.

Run the code.


You will see the contents of each container printed in the terminal.

Deques allow efficient insertion and deletion at both ends, lists provide constant-time insertion and deletion anywhere in the container, and forward lists offer a singly-linked list with efficient insertion and deletion at the front.

Handling Sets and Multisets

Let’s explore how to handle sets and multisets in C++ for robotics applications. Sets and multisets are associative containers that store unique and duplicate elements, respectively, and they can be useful for managing distinct or repeated data in robotic systems.

Let’s start by creating a new C++ file and naming it set_example.cpp.

Type the following code into the editor: 

#include <iostream>
#include <set>

int main() {
    // Handling sets
    std::set<int> unique_landmarks = {10, 20, 30, 20, 40, 30};
    std::cout << "Unique Landmarks: ";
    for (const auto& landmark : unique_landmarks) {
        std::cout << landmark << " ";
    std::cout << std::endl;

    // Handling multisets
    std::multiset<std::string> repeated_commands = {"move", "rotate", "scan", "move", "grasp"};
    std::cout << "Repeated Commands: ";
    for (const auto& command : repeated_commands) {
        std::cout << command << " ";
    std::cout << std::endl;

    return 0;

In this code, we include the necessary headers: iostream for input/output operations and set for the set and multiset containers.

In the main function, we demonstrate handling sets and multisets:

  • Set: We create a set named unique_landmarks to store unique integer landmarks. We initialize it with some values, including duplicates. The set automatically removes the duplicate elements and stores only the unique values. We print the contents of the set using a range-based for loop.
  • Multiset: We create a multiset named repeated_commands to store repeated string commands. We initialize it with some values, including duplicates. The multiset allows duplicate elements and stores all the occurrences. We print the contents of the multiset using a range-based for loop.

Run the code.


You will see the unique landmarks printed from the set and the repeated commands printed from the multiset.

Sets are useful when you need to store and efficiently retrieve unique elements, such as distinct landmarks or sensor readings. Multisets, on the other hand, allow you to store and manage duplicate elements, which can be helpful for tracking repeated commands or measurements in robotic systems.

Using Map and Multimaps

Let’s explore how to use map and multimap in C++ for robotics applications. Map and multimap are associative containers that store key-value pairs, allowing efficient lookup and retrieval of values based on their associated keys.

Let’s start by creating a new C++ file and naming it map_example.cpp.

Type the following code into the editor:

#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <string>

int main() {
    // Using map
    std::map<std::string, int> sensor_readings;
    sensor_readings["temperature"] = 25;
    sensor_readings["humidity"] = 60;
    sensor_readings["pressure"] = 1013;

    for (const auto& reading : sensor_readings) {
        std::cout << reading.first << ": " << reading.second << std::endl;

    // Using multimap
    std::multimap<std::string, std::string> robot_commands;
    robot_commands.insert({"move", "forward"});
    robot_commands.insert({"move", "backward"});
    robot_commands.insert({"rotate", "left"});
    robot_commands.insert({"rotate", "right"});

    for (const auto& command : robot_commands) {
        std::cout << command.first << ": " << command.second << std::endl;

    return 0;

In this code, we include the necessary headers: iostream for input/output operations, map for the map and multimap containers, and string for string manipulation.

In the main function, we first demonstrate the usage of map. We create a map named sensor_readings that associates sensor names (keys) with their corresponding values. We insert key-value pairs into the map using the [] operator. We then iterate over the map using a range-based for loop and print each key-value pair.

Next, we demonstrate the usage of multimap. We create a multimap named robot_commands that associates command types (keys) with their corresponding parameters (values). We insert key-value pairs into the multimap using the insert() function. 

Multimap allows duplicate keys, so we can have multiple entries with the same command type. We iterate over the multimap using a range-based for loop and print each key-value pair.

Run the code.


You will see the sensor readings and robot commands printed in the terminal, demonstrating the usage of map and multimap.

Map is useful when you need to associate unique keys with their corresponding values, such as storing sensor readings or configuration parameters. 

Multimap allows duplicate keys and is helpful when you need to store multiple values for the same key, such as mapping command types to their parameters.

Manipulating Stack and Queue

Let’s explore how to manipulate stacks and queues in C++, essential data structures for various robotics applications.

Create a new C++ file called stack_queue_example.cpp.

Type the following code into the editor:

#include <iostream>
#include <stack>
#include <queue>

int main() {
    // Stack example
    std::stack<int> my_stack;

    std::cout << "Top element of the stack: " << << std::endl;
    my_stack.pop(); // Removes the top element (30)

    std::cout << "Updated top element: " << << std::endl;

    // Queue example
    std::queue<std::string> my_queue;
    my_queue.push("Sensor data");
    my_queue.push("Robot command");
    my_queue.push("Navigation goal");

    std::cout << "Front element of the queue: " << my_queue.front() << std::endl;
    my_queue.pop(); // Removes the front element ("Sensor data")

    std::cout << "Updated front element: " << my_queue.front() << std::endl;

    return 0;

First, we create a stack my_stack to store integers. We push the values 10, 20, and 30 onto the stack using the push method. 

We then print the top element of the stack using the top method, which returns 30. 

Next, we remove the top element from the stack using the pop method. 

Finally, we print the updated top element, which is now 20.

For the queue example, we create a queue my_queue to store strings. 

We add the strings “Sensor data”, “Robot command”, and “Navigation goal” using the push method. 

We then print the front element of the queue using the front method, which returns “Sensor data”. 

Next, we dequeue (pronounced as “dee-queue”) the front element using the pop method. 

Finally, we print the updated front element, which is now “Robot command”.

Run the code.


You will see the top and front elements of the stack and queue, respectively, printed in the terminal.

Implementing Priority Queues

Let’s explore how priority queues can be utilized in C++ to manage robotic tasks efficiently. 

Priority queues are particularly useful in robotics for scheduling tasks based on their priority level, ensuring that critical operations like obstacle avoidance or emergency stops are handled first.

Let’s begin by creating a new C++ file named robotic_tasks_priority_queue.cpp.

Type the following code into the editor:

#include <iostream>
#include <queue>
#include <vector>
#include <functional>  // For std::greater

struct Task {
    int priority;
    std::string description;

    // Operator overloading for priority comparison
    bool operator<(const Task& other) const {
        return priority < other.priority;  // Higher numbers mean higher priority

int main() {
    // Create a priority queue to manage tasks
    std::priority_queue<Task> tasks;

    // Insert tasks
    tasks.push({2, "Navigate to charging station"});
    tasks.push({1, "Send sensor data"});
    tasks.push({3, "Emergency stop"});

    // Execute tasks based on priority
    while (!tasks.empty()) {
        Task task =;
        std::cout << "Executing task: " << task.description << std::endl;

    return 0;

In this code, we define a Task struct with a priority and description. 

We overload the < operator to compare tasks based on their priority. 

We then create a priority queue that holds tasks and insert three sample tasks into it. 

We simulate the execution of tasks in order of their priority, with the emergency task taking precedence.

Run the code.


You will see the tasks being executed in order of their priority, with the emergency stop being handled first.

Thanks, and I’ll see you in the next tutorial.

Keep building!