Cartesian Path Planning – ROS 2 Jazzy MoveIt Task Constructor

In this tutorial, we will create a Cartesian path planning demo from scratch using the MoveIt Task Constructor. This demo showcases how to plan a series of movements for a robotic arm in Cartesian space, including linear motions, rotations, and joint movements. Here is what you will create:


cartesian.cpp demonstrates a sequence of planned movements:

  1. Straight-line movements of the arm’s gripper (end-effector) relative to the base_link coordinate frame:
    • 5 cm in the positive x direction
    • 2 cm in the negative y direction
  2. A twisting movement of the arm relative to the base_link coordinate frame:
    • 18-degree rotation around the z-axis
  3. Moving specific joints of the arm by absolute amounts:
    • Rotating “link1_to_link2” joint by 15 degrees
    • Rotating “link3_to_link4” joint by -15 degrees
  4. Returning to the starting “ready” position smoothly

Real-World Use Cases

The code you will develop in this tutorial can serve as a template for various practical applications:

  • Pick and Place Operations
    • Precise linear movements for accurate object placement
    • Rotation capabilities for orienting objects correctly
  • Assembly Tasks
    • Combine linear motions and rotations for complex assembly procedures
    • Fine-tune joint movements for intricate manipulations
  • Welding or Painting
    • Use linear movements to follow seams or contours
    • Maintain consistent orientation during the process


All the code is here on my GitHub repository. Note that I am working with ROS 2 Jazzy, so the steps might be slightly different for other versions of ROS 2.

Create the Code

You should already have the code in the right place if you followed my previous tutorials. If not, open a terminal window, and type:

cd ~/ros2_ws/src/mycobot_ros2/mycobot_mtc_demos/src/
gedit cartesian.cpp

Add this code

 * @file cartesian.cpp
 * @brief Demonstrates Cartesian path planning using MoveIt Task Constructor
 * This program shows how to use MoveIt Task Constructor to plan a series of
 * movements for a robot arm. It includes linear motions, rotations, and joint
 * movements, all planned in Cartesian space.
 * @author Addison Sears-Collins
 * @date December 19, 2024

#include <rclcpp/rclcpp.hpp>
#include <moveit/task_constructor/task.h>
#include <moveit/task_constructor/stages/fixed_state.h>
#include <moveit/task_constructor/solvers/cartesian_path.h>
#include <moveit/task_constructor/solvers/joint_interpolation.h>
#include <moveit/task_constructor/stages/move_to.h>
#include <moveit/task_constructor/stages/move_relative.h>
#include <moveit/task_constructor/stages/connect.h>
#include <moveit/planning_scene/planning_scene.h>

// Use the moveit::task_constructor namespace to avoid typing it out each time
using namespace moveit::task_constructor;

 * @brief Creates a Task Constructor task for Cartesian path planning.
 * This function sets up a series of movements (called stages) for the robot to follow.
 * Each stage represents a specific motion, like moving in a straight line or rotating.
 * Logging statements are added to track the creation and addition of each stage.
 * @param node A shared pointer to a ROS 2 node, used for accessing ROS functionality
 * @return Task The configured Task Constructor task, ready to be planned and executed
Task createTask(const rclcpp::Node::SharedPtr& node) {

  // Create a new Task object
  Task t;

  // Set a name for the task (useful for debugging and visualization)
  t.stages()->setName("Cartesian Path");

  RCLCPP_INFO(node->get_logger(), "Creating Cartesian Path task");

  // Define the names of the robot's planning groups as defined in the SRDF
  const std::string arm = "arm";
  const std::string arm_with_gripper = "arm_with_gripper";

  // Create solvers for Cartesian and joint interpolation
  // Solvers are algorithms that figure out how to move the robot
  auto cartesian_interpolation = std::make_shared<solvers::CartesianPath>();
  auto joint_interpolation = std::make_shared<solvers::JointInterpolationPlanner>();

  RCLCPP_INFO(node->get_logger(), "Created Cartesian and Joint interpolation solvers");

  // Load the robot model (this contains information about the robot's structure)
  RCLCPP_INFO(node->get_logger(), "Loaded robot model");

  // Create a planning scene (this represents the robot and its environment)
  auto scene = std::make_shared<planning_scene::PlanningScene>(t.getRobotModel());
  RCLCPP_INFO(node->get_logger(), "Created planning scene");

  // Set the initial state of the robot
    RCLCPP_INFO(node->get_logger(), "Setting initial state");

    // Get the current state of the robot and modify it
    auto& state = scene->getCurrentStateNonConst();

    // Set the robot arm to its "ready" position as defined in the SRDF
    state.setToDefaultValues(state.getJointModelGroup(arm_with_gripper), "ready");

    // Create a FixedState stage to represent this initial state
    auto fixed = std::make_unique<stages::FixedState>("initial state");

    // Add this stage to the task
    RCLCPP_INFO(node->get_logger(), "Added initial state to task");

  // Stage 1: Move 0.05 meters in the positive x direction relative to the base_link frame
    RCLCPP_INFO(node->get_logger(), "Creating stage: Move 0.05m in +x direction");

    // Create a MoveRelative stage using Cartesian interpolation
    auto stage = std::make_unique<stages::MoveRelative>("x +0.05", cartesian_interpolation);

    // Specify which group of joints to move

    // Set the Inverse Kinematic frame to the end-effector

    // Create a Vector3Stamped message to specify the direction of movement
    geometry_msgs::msg::Vector3Stamped direction;

    // Set the frame of reference for this movement (the "base_link" frame)
    direction.header.frame_id = "base_link";

    // Set the x component to 0.05 meters (move 5 cm in the x direction)
    direction.vector.x = 0.05;

    // Set this direction as the movement for this stage

    // Add this stage to the task
    RCLCPP_INFO(node->get_logger(), "Added +x movement stage to task");

  // Stage 2: Move 0.02 meters in the negative y direction relative to the base_link frame
    RCLCPP_INFO(node->get_logger(), "Creating stage: Move 0.02m in -y direction");

    // Similar to the previous stage, but moving in the y direction
    auto stage = std::make_unique<stages::MoveRelative>("y -0.02", cartesian_interpolation);


    geometry_msgs::msg::Vector3Stamped direction;
    direction.header.frame_id = "base_link";

    // Set the y component to -0.02 meters (move 2 cm in the negative y direction)
    direction.vector.y = -0.02;

    RCLCPP_INFO(node->get_logger(), "Added -y movement stage to task");

  // Stage 3: Rotate 18 degrees around the z-axis of the base_link frame
    RCLCPP_INFO(node->get_logger(), "Creating stage: Rotate -18 degrees around z-axis");

    auto stage = std::make_unique<stages::MoveRelative>("rz -18°", cartesian_interpolation);

    // Create a TwistStamped message to specify a rotation
    geometry_msgs::msg::TwistStamped twist;
    twist.header.frame_id = "base_link";

    // Set the angular z component to -pi/10 radians (-18 degrees)
    twist.twist.angular.z = -M_PI / 10.;

    RCLCPP_INFO(node->get_logger(), "Added rotation stage to task");

  // Stage 4: Move specific joints by specified angles
    RCLCPP_INFO(node->get_logger(), "Creating stage: Move joints by specified angles");
    auto stage = std::make_unique<stages::MoveRelative>("joint offset", cartesian_interpolation);

    // Create a map of joint names to angle offsets
    std::map<std::string, double> offsets = {
      { "link1_to_link2", M_PI / 12. },  // Rotate this joint by 15 degrees (pi/12 radians)
      { "link3_to_link4", -M_PI / 12. }   // Rotate this joint by -15 degrees


    RCLCPP_INFO(node->get_logger(), "Added joint offset stage to task");

  // Stage 5: Connect the previous stages using joint interpolation
  // This stage ensures smooth transitions between all the previous stages and from the
  // previous stage to the final stage.
    RCLCPP_INFO(node->get_logger(), "Creating connect stage");

    // Create a vector of groups and their associated planners
    stages::Connect::GroupPlannerVector planners = { { arm, joint_interpolation } };

    // Create a Connect stage to smoothly link the previous stages
    auto connect = std::make_unique<stages::Connect>("connect", planners);
    RCLCPP_INFO(node->get_logger(), "Added connect stage to task");

  // Set the final state of the robot
    RCLCPP_INFO(node->get_logger(), "Setting final state");

    // The final state is the same as the initial state
    auto fixed = std::make_unique<stages::FixedState>("final state");
    RCLCPP_INFO(node->get_logger(), "Added final state to task");

  // Return the fully configured task
  RCLCPP_INFO(node->get_logger(), "Task creation completed");
  return t;

 * @brief Main function to demonstrate Cartesian path planning.
 * This function initializes ROS 2, creates a node, sets up the task,
 * plans it, and attempts to execute it. Logging statements are added
 * to track the program's progress and any errors that occur.
 * @param argc Number of command-line arguments
 * @param argv Array of command-line arguments
 * @return int Exit status (0 for success, non-zero for failure)
int main(int argc, char** argv) {

  // Initialize ROS 2
  rclcpp::init(argc, argv);

  // Create a ROS 2 node named "cartesian_demo"
  auto node = rclcpp::Node::make_shared("cartesian_demo");

  RCLCPP_INFO(node->get_logger(), "Starting Cartesian path planning demo");

  // Start a separate thread to handle ROS 2 callbacks
  // This allows the node to process incoming messages and services
  std::thread spinning_thread([node] {
    RCLCPP_INFO(node->get_logger(), "Started ROS 2 spinning thread");

  // Create the task using our createTask function
  RCLCPP_INFO(node->get_logger(), "Creating task");
  auto task = createTask(node);

  // Attempt to plan and execute the task
  try {
    RCLCPP_INFO(node->get_logger(), "Attempting to plan task");

    // If planning succeeds...
    if (task.plan()) {
      RCLCPP_INFO(node->get_logger(), "Task planning succeeded");

      // ...publish the solution so it can be visualized or executed
      RCLCPP_INFO(node->get_logger(), "Published task solution");

    } else {
      RCLCPP_ERROR(node->get_logger(), "Task planning failed");
  } catch (const InitStageException& ex) {

    // If planning fails, print an error message
    RCLCPP_ERROR(node->get_logger(), "Planning failed with exception: %s", ex.what());
    RCLCPP_ERROR(node->get_logger(), "Task name: %s",;

  RCLCPP_INFO(node->get_logger(), "Waiting for ROS 2 spinning thread to finish");

  // Keeps the program running so that you can inspect the results in RViz

  RCLCPP_INFO(node->get_logger(), "Cartesian path planning demo completed");

  // Exit the program
  return 0;

Save the file, and close it.

Build the Code

cd ~/ros2_ws/
colcon build
source ~/.bashrc 


Launch everything:

bash ~/ros2_ws/src/mycobot_ros2/mycobot_bringup/scripts/ cartesian


mtc_demos cartesian

Here is what you should see:


Understanding the Motion Planning Results

RViz – “Motion Planning Tasks” Panel

When running this demo, you’ll see a panel labeled “Motion Planning Tasks” on your screen. This panel shows the structure of each task. Clicking on a stage in this panel will display its outcomes – both successful and failed – in another window. You can then select and visualize individual solutions.


The Task Tree in the panel reflects the structure of our program. At the top, you’ll see “Motion Planning Tasks” with “Cartesian Path” underneath. This corresponds to our main task, which is designed to plan a series of Cartesian movements for the robot arm.

The task is divided into seven stages:

  1. “initial state”: Sets the starting position of the robot.
  2. “x +0.05”: Moves the end-effector 5 cm in the positive x direction.
  3. “y -0.02”: Moves the end-effector 2 cm in the negative y direction.
  4. “rz -18°”: Rotates the end-effector 18 degrees around the z-axis.
  5. “joint offset”: Adjusts specific joint angles.
  6. “connect”: Ensures smooth transitions between all the previous stages.
  7. “final state”: Sets the ending position of the robot.

The “connect” stage is where the magic happens. In our code, we’ve created a Connect stage to smoothly link the previous stages using joint interpolation.

The green checkmarks and numbers in the second column indicate how many successful solutions were found for each part of the task. For instance, if you see a “1” next to each stage, it means our planner successfully found a solution for each movement.

The rightmost column in the Task Tree displays the planning time for each component in seconds. This helps us understand which movements might be more computationally intensive.

As you experiment with the demo, try clicking on the different stages under the Task Tree and then click the line in the right-most column of the Motion Planning Tasks panel. You’ll be able to visualize how each stage contributes to the overall motion of the robot arm, helping you understand the progression of movements in Cartesian space.

Executing the Plan

If you want to execute the entire planned motion, you can use the “Execute” button in your control interface.


If everything worked fine during execution, you will see this line in the terminal window:

[moveit_ros.trajectory_execution_manager]: Completed trajectory execution with status SUCCEEDED ...

Detailed Code Walkthrough

Now for the C++ part. Let’s go through each piece of this code, step by step.

cd ~/ros2_ws/src/mycobot_ros2/mycobot_mtc_demos/src/
gedit cartesian.cpp

File Header and Includes

The code begins with a comprehensive comment block outlining the file’s purpose: demonstrating Cartesian path planning using MoveIt Task Constructor. It describes the program’s functionality, which includes planning linear motions, rotations, and joint movements in Cartesian space for a robotic arm. The file includes necessary headers for ROS 2, MoveIt, and the Task Constructor library, establishing the foundation for our Cartesian path planning demo.

createTask Function

This function is responsible for setting up the Task Constructor task with various stages of movement. Let’s break it down…

Task and Solver Setup

A Task object is created and named “Cartesian Path”. Two solvers are set up: one for Cartesian path planning and another for joint interpolation. These solvers will be used in different stages of the task.

Robot Model and Planning Scene Setup

The robot model is loaded, and a planning scene is created. This part sets up the environment in which the robot will operate.

Initial State Setup

The initial state of the robot is set to the “ready” position, and this state is added as the first stage of the task.

Movement Stages

The function then sets up several movement stages:

  • Move 0.05m in +x direction
  • Move 0.02m in -y direction
  • Rotate -18 degrees around z-axis
  • Move specific joints by specified angles

Each of these stages is created using stages::MoveRelative, configured with the appropriate movement parameters, and added to the task.

Connect Stage

A Connect stage is added to ensure smooth transitions between all the previous stages.

Final State

The final state is set to be the same as the initial state, completing the movement cycle.

Main Function

The main function orchestrates the entire demo.

ROS 2 Initialization and Node Setup

ROS 2 is initialized, and a node named “cartesian_demo” is created.

Spinning Thread

A separate thread is created to handle ROS 2 callbacks, allowing the node to process incoming messages and services.

Task Creation and Execution

The task is created using the createTask function. The code then attempts to plan the task. If planning succeeds, the solution is published for visualization or execution.

Error Handling

The code includes error handling to catch and report any exceptions that occur during the planning process.


The program waits for the ROS 2 spinning thread to finish, allowing for inspection of the results in RViz before exiting.

That’s it! Keep building!

Alternative Paths – ROS 2 Jazzy MoveIt Task Constructor

There are six demos that come out of the box with the ROS 2 move_it_task_constructor_demo package. However, these demos are tailored for another robotic arm. We need to tailor these for our robotic arm.

In this tutorial, we will create the first demo from scratch…alternative_path_costs.cpp.

Here is what the output looks like:


alternative_path_costs.cpp showcases different ways to plan and evaluate robot arm movements. It goes through four different methods for moving the robotic arm from a starting position to a predefined goal position:

  1. The shortest path
  2. The quickest movement
  3. A path focusing on minimal end-effector (gripper) motion
  4. A path that minimizes movement of a specific part of the arm (like the elbow). 

Real-World Use Cases

The code you will develop in this tutorial can serve as a template for some practical real-world applications:

  1. Precision Manufacturing
    • Minimize end-effector motion for delicate assembly tasks
    • Optimize trajectory duration to increase production speed
    • Reduce wear on joints by minimizing overall path length
  2. Collaborative Robotics
    • Plan predictable movements by minimizing elbow motion, enhancing worker safety
    • Adjust strategies based on the task: quick movements for time-sensitive operations or smooth motions for human comfort
  3. Flexible Manufacturing Systems
    • Quickly adapt arm movements to different product specifications
    • Switch between optimization strategies (e.g., speed vs. precision) based on current production needs


All the code is here on my GitHub repository. Note that I am working with ROS 2 Jazzy, so the steps might be slightly different for other versions of ROS 2.

Create the Code

If you followed my previous tutorial, the code should already be where it needs to be. Otherwise, open a new terminal window, and type:

cd ~/ros2_ws/src/mycobot_ros2/mycobot_mtc_demos/src/
gedit alternative_path_costs.cpp

Add this code

 * @file alternative_path_costs.cpp
 * @brief Demonstrates different path planning strategies using MoveIt Task Constructor.
 * This program sets up a Task Constructor task to plan robot motion using different
 * cost optimization strategies. It creates multiple path planning alternatives and
 * evaluates them based on different cost terms such as path length, trajectory duration,
 * end-effector motion, and elbow motion.
 * @author Addison Sears-Collins
 * @date December 18, 2024

#include <rclcpp/rclcpp.hpp>
#include <moveit/planning_scene/planning_scene.h>
#include <moveit/task_constructor/task.h>
#include <moveit/task_constructor/container.h>
#include <moveit/task_constructor/solvers/pipeline_planner.h>
#include <moveit/task_constructor/stages/connect.h>
#include <moveit/task_constructor/stages/fixed_state.h>
#include <moveit/task_constructor/cost_terms.h>
#include <iostream>

using namespace moveit::task_constructor;

 * @brief Main function to demonstrate alternative path costs.
 * This function sets up a ROS 2 node, creates a Task Constructor task,
 * and demonstrates different path planning strategies using various cost terms.
 * FixedState (Generator Stage) - Connect (Connector Stage) - FixedState (Generator Stage)
 * @param argc Number of command-line arguments
 * @param argv Array of command-line arguments
 * @return int Exit status
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    // Initialize ROS 2
    rclcpp::init(argc, argv);
    std::cout << "ROS 2 initialized for alternative_path_costs_demo" << std::endl;

    // Set up ROS 2 node options
    rclcpp::NodeOptions node_options;

    // Create a ROS 2 node
    auto node = rclcpp::Node::make_shared("alternative_path_costs_demo", node_options);
    std::cout << "Created ROS 2 node: alternative_path_costs_demo" << std::endl;

    // Start a separate thread to handle ROS 2 callbacks
    std::thread spinning_thread([node] { rclcpp::spin(node); });

    // Create a Task Constructor task
    Task t;
    t.stages()->setName("alternative path costs");
    std::cout << "Created Task Constructor task: alternative path costs" << std::endl;

    // Load the robot model
    std::cout << "Loaded robot model: " << t.getRobotModel()->getName() << std::endl;

    // Ensure the correct robot model is loaded
    assert(t.getRobotModel()->getName() == "mycobot_280");

    // Create a planning scene
    auto scene{ std::make_shared<planning_scene::PlanningScene>(t.getRobotModel()) };
    std::cout << "Created planning scene" << std::endl;

    // Get the current robot state and set it to default values
    auto& robot_state{ scene->getCurrentStateNonConst() };
    robot_state.setToDefaultValues(robot_state.getJointModelGroup("arm"), "home");
    std::cout << "Initialized robot state in planning scene to default values and 'home' position" << std::endl;

    // Create and add the initial state to the task
    // This step gives MoveIt 2 a clear starting point from which to plan the robot's movements.
    auto initial{ std::make_unique<stages::FixedState>("start") };
    std::cout << "Added initial state to the task" << std::endl;

    // Create a pipeline planner
    // The "pipeline" part means it can chain together multiple planning attempts or strategies.
    // If one method fails, it can try another
    auto pipeline{ std::make_shared<solvers::PipelinePlanner>(node) };
    std::cout << "Created pipeline planner" << std::endl;

    // Create an Alternatives container for different path planning strategies
    // Alternatives container is a type of Parallel container. It's used to group multiple stages that
    // represent different ways to accomplish the same task.
    // In this case, it's used to create different strategies for connecting the intial state to the goal state.
    // The planner will try all these strategies and choose the best one based on their respective cost terms.
    auto alternatives{ std::make_unique<Alternatives>("connect") };
    std::cout << "Created Alternatives container for path planning strategies" << std::endl;

    // Add different path planning strategies (Connect stages) to the Alternatives container
    // Each strategy uses a different cost term to evaluate the path

    // Strategy 1: Minimize path length
      auto connect{ std::make_unique<stages::Connect>(
           "path length", stages::Connect::GroupPlannerVector{ { "arm_with_gripper", pipeline } }) };
      connect->setCostTerm(std::make_unique<cost::PathLength>()); //  Typically in radians, representing the total angular displacement of all joints.
      std::cout << "Added 'path length' strategy" << std::endl;

    // Strategy 2: Minimize trajectory duration
      auto connect{ std::make_unique<stages::Connect>(
           "trajectory duration", stages::Connect::GroupPlannerVector{ { "arm_with_gripper", pipeline } }) };
      connect->setCostTerm(std::make_unique<cost::TrajectoryDuration>()); // Time it would take in seconds to execute the planned motion.
      std::cout << "Added 'trajectory duration' strategy" << std::endl;

    // Strategy 3: Minimize end-effector motion
      auto connect{ std::make_unique<stages::Connect>(
           "eef motion", stages::Connect::GroupPlannerVector{ { "arm_with_gripper", pipeline } }) };
      connect->setCostTerm(std::make_unique<cost::LinkMotion>("link6_flange")); // Distance traveled by the link in meters
      std::cout << "Added 'end-effector motion' strategy" << std::endl;

    // Strategy 4: Minimize elbow motion
      auto connect{ std::make_unique<stages::Connect>(
           "elbow motion", stages::Connect::GroupPlannerVector{ { "arm_with_gripper", pipeline } }) };
      std::cout << "Added 'elbow motion' strategy" << std::endl;

    // Add the Alternatives container to the task
    // By adding this Alternatives container to the task, we're giving the task planner multiple options for
    // solving a particular part of the robot's movement. The planner can now choose the best strategy based on the current situation.
    std::cout << "Added all strategies in the Alternatives Container to the task" << std::endl;

    // Create the goal scene as a diff from the current scene
    // Think of this like taking a snapshot of the current room (scene) and then describing only what
    // needs to change to reach the desired setup.
    // In our goal setup, we want the robot's arm and gripper to be in the 'ready' position."
    auto goal_scene{ scene->diff() };
    goal_scene->getCurrentStateNonConst().setToDefaultValues(robot_state.getJointModelGroup("arm_with_gripper"), "ready");
    std::cout << "Created goal scene with 'ready' position" << std::endl;

    // Create and add the goal state to the task
    auto goal = std::make_unique<stages::FixedState>("goal");
    std::cout << "Added goal state to the task" << std::endl;

    // Plan the task
    std::cout << "Starting task planning..." << std::endl;
    try {
      t.plan(0); // The 0 parameter means it will generate as many solutions as possible
      std::cout << "Task planning completed successfully" << std::endl;

      // Print the results
      std::cout << "Planning results:" << std::endl;

    } catch (const InitStageException& e) {
        std::cout << "Task planning failed: " << e << std::endl;

    // Keep the node alive for interactive inspection in RViz
    std::cout << "Keeping node alive for RViz inspection. Press Ctrl+C to exit." << std::endl;

    return 0;

Save the file, and close it.

Build the Code

cd ~/ros2_ws/
colcon build
source ~/.bashrc 

(OR 'source ~/ros2_ws/install/setup.bash' if you haven’t set up your bashrc file to source your ROS distribution automatically with “source ~/ros2_ws/install/setup.bash”)


Open the following file:

cd ~/ros2_ws/src/mycobot_ros2/mycobot_bringup/scripts

Add this code to the file:

# Single script to launch the mycobot with Gazebo, RViz, MoveIt 2, and the MoveIt Task Constructor demos

# Define valid exe options
valid_exe_options=("alternative_path_costs" "cartesian" "fallbacks_move_to" "ik_clearance_cost" "modular")
exe_option=${1:-"alternative_path_costs"}  # Default to alternative_path_costs if no argument provided

# Check if the provided/default argument is valid
if [[ ! " ${valid_exe_options[@]} " =~ " $exe_option " ]]; then
    echo "Invalid exe option. Available options are:"
    printf '%s\n' "${valid_exe_options[@]}"
    exit 1

cleanup() {
    echo "Cleaning up..."
    sleep 5.0
    pkill -9 -f "ros2|gazebo|gz|nav2|amcl|bt_navigator|nav_to_pose|rviz2|assisted_teleop|cmd_vel_relay|robot_state_publisher|joint_state_publisher|move_to_free|mqtt|autodock|cliff_detection|moveit|move_group|basic_navigator"

# Set up cleanup trap
trap 'cleanup' SIGINT SIGTERM

echo "Launching Gazebo simulation..."
ros2 launch mycobot_gazebo \
    load_controllers:=true \ \
    use_camera:=true \
    use_rviz:=false \
    use_robot_state_pub:=true \
    use_sim_time:=true \
    x:=0.0 \
    y:=0.0 \
    z:=0.05 \
    roll:=0.0 \
    pitch:=0.0 \
    yaw:=0.0 &

sleep 15
ros2 launch mycobot_moveit_config \
    rviz_config_file:=mtc_demos.rviz \
    rviz_config_package:=mycobot_mtc_demos &

echo "Adjusting camera position..."
gz service -s /gui/move_to/pose \
    --reqtype gz.msgs.GUICamera \
    --reptype gz.msgs.Boolean \
    --timeout 2000 \
    --req "pose: {position: {x: 1.36, y: -0.58, z: 0.95} orientation: {x: -0.26, y: 0.1, z: 0.89, w: 0.35}}" &

sleep 10
ros2 launch mycobot_mtc_demos \
    use_sim_time:=true \

# Keep the script running until Ctrl+C

Build the workspace.

cd ~/ros2_ws/ && colcon build && source ~/.bashrc

Launch everything:

bash ~/ros2_ws/src/mycobot_ros2/mycobot_bringup/scripts/

Or you can use the bash alias I created called mtc_demos so we don’t have to always type that long command above.

mtc_demos alternative_path_costs

In the far right panel, click on one of the solutions.

Here is what you should see:


Here is what you should see:


Understanding the Motion Planning Results

RViz – “Motion Planning Tasks” Panel

When running this demo, you’ll see a panel labeled “Motion Planning Tasks” on your screen. This panel shows the structure of each task. Clicking on a stage in this panel will display its outcomes – both successful and failed – in another window. You can then select and visualize individual solutions.


The Task Tree in the panel reflects the structure of our program. At the top, you’ll see “Motion Planning Tasks” with “alternative path costs” underneath. This corresponds to our main task, which is designed to explore different path planning strategies.

The task is divided into three main stages: “start,” “connect,” and “goal.” These stages represent the robot’s initial position (set to the “home” position in our code), the motion it needs to perform, and its final position (set to the “ready” position).

The “connect” stage is where the magic happens. In our code, we’ve created an Alternatives container with four different planning strategies:

1. “path length“: This strategy aims to minimize the total angular displacement of all joints, measured in radians.

2. “trajectory duration“: This strategy tries to find the quickest path, minimizing the time it would take to execute the planned motion.

3. “eef motion“: This strategy focuses on minimizing the distance traveled by the end-effector (the robot’s “hand”), which in our code is represented by the “link6_flange”.

4. “elbow motion“: Similar to the end-effector strategy, but focusing on minimizing the movement of the robot’s elbow (represented by “link3” in our code).

The green checkmarks and numbers in the second column indicate how many successful solutions were found for each part of the task. 

For example, if you see a “4” next to “alternative path costs,” it means our planner successfully found solutions using all four strategies.

The rightmost column displays the planning time for each component in seconds. This column helps us understand which strategies might be more computationally intensive.

As you experiment with the demo, try clicking on the “alternative path costs” line under the Task Tree. Then select each of the four different solutions to see how the robotic arm moves. You’ll be able to visualize how each strategy results in different robot motions, helping you understand the trade-offs between path length, speed, and the movement of specific parts of the robot.

If you actually want to execute a particular solution, click the “Execute Solution” button in the upper-right part of the panel.


Terminal Window – Planning Results

If you look at the terminal window, you will see the planning results. 


MoveIt Task Constructor uses a bidirectional planning approach. This means it can work on a problem from both ends – the start stage and the goal stage – simultaneously. 

  • Forward: When the planner finds a good partial solution from the start, it sends this information forward to help plan the next stages.
  • Backward: When it finds a good approach to the goal, it sends this information backward to influence earlier stages of the plan.

Arrow Interpretation

  • → (Right Arrow): Represents the forward flow of results from one stage to the next. Forward flow means that a stage has successfully generated a result and is passing that result to the next stage for further processing.
  • ← (Left Arrow): Indicates a backward flow of results. In MTC, some stages may require feedback from later stages to adjust their own results or to optimize the plan. Therefore, the results flow backward to a previous stage for this adjustment.
  • – (Dash): A dash indicates no information flowed in that direction.

When a solution is found in one stage, it might impose constraints on other stages. Propagating the solution backwards allows earlier stages to take these constraints into account, potentially leading to better overall solutions.

A good example of the benefits of bidirectional planning is a pick and place task. Imagine you want a robotic arm to pour water from a cup into a pot. You want to make sure that early stages don’t generate movements that would put the arm in a position where grasping the cup to do a pouring movement is difficult or infeasible. 

This unidirectional approach could result in less efficient movements, more frequent replanning, or even failure to complete the task if a viable path from start to finish isn’t found. Overall, the lack of foresight into future stages could lead to suboptimal or unsuccessful attempts at completing the pick and place task.

In our particular application, for the “start” stage, we see 1 – ← 1 → – 1. This line indicates that our start state (the “home” position we set) was successfully created, with one solution propagated forward to the connect stage and one solution propagated backwards to the initial stage at t=0.

The “connect” stage, where our four strategies are implemented, displays – 1 → 4 ← 1 -. This line means it received one solution propagated forward from the start, generated four alternative solutions (one for each strategy), and received one solution propagated backward from the goal.

Looking at our individual strategies:

  • “path length”: – 1 → 1 ← 1 –
  • “trajectory duration”: 1 → 1 ← 1 –
  • “eef motion”: 1 → 1 ← 1 –
  • “elbow motion”: 1 → 1 ← 1 –

Each strategy successfully received one solution from the start, generated its own solution, and received one solution from the goal. These results indicate that each strategy successfully connected the start and goal stage.

The “goal” stage shows 1 – ← 1 → – 1, confirming that the final state (our “ready” position) was successfully incorporated into the planning process, propagating one solution backward to the connect stage and one solution forward to t=final.

These results demonstrate that our planner effectively generated and evaluated multiple paths using different optimization criteria. It successfully planned motions from the home position to the ready position using each strategy, considering both the start and goal states in its calculations. This bidirectional approach (planning from both start and goal) often leads to more efficient and robust motion planning.

By examining these different solutions in RViz, you can observe how prioritizing path length, duration, end-effector motion, or elbow motion affects the robot’s planned movement, providing valuable insights into the trade-offs between different motion planning approaches.

Detailed Code Walkthrough

Now for the C++ part. Let’s go through each piece of this code, step by step.

cd ~/ros2_ws/src/mycobot_ros2/mycobot_mtc_demos/src/
gedit alternative_path_costs.cpp

File Header and Includes

The code begins with a comprehensive comment block explaining the file’s purpose: demonstrating various path planning strategies using MoveIt Task Constructor. It outlines the program’s functionality, creating multiple planning alternatives and evaluating them based on different cost terms like path length and trajectory duration. The file includes necessary headers for ROS 2, MoveIt, and the Task Constructor library, setting up the foundation for our robot motion planning task.

Main Function

The main function serves as the entry point and primary workflow of the program. It orchestrates the setup of the ROS 2 environment, task creation, and implementation of planning strategies.

ROS 2 Initialization

The code initializes ROS 2, creating a computational environment for robot control. It then sets up a node named “alternative_path_costs_demo”. This node acts as a communication endpoint within the ROS 2 system. 

A separate thread is created to handle ROS 2 callbacks. Callbacks are functions that are automatically called in response to specific events or messages in the ROS 2 system. By running callbacks in a separate thread, the program can continue its main planning tasks without interruption, while still responding to incoming messages or events. This approach enhances the system’s ability to multitask effectively.

Task Creation and Robot Model Loading

The code creates a Task Constructor task, naming it “alternative path costs”. This task will encompass all the planning stages and strategies. It then loads the robot model for our robotic arm. This step provides the task with detailed information about the robot’s physical structure, joint limits, and other characteristics necessary for accurate motion planning.

Planning Scene Setup

A planning scene is created based on the loaded robot model. This virtual environment represents the space in which the robot operates and where motion planning will occur. The robot’s initial state within this scene is set to default values, with the “arm” group specifically positioned in a predefined “home” position. This setup ensures a consistent starting point for all planning attempts.

Initial State Creation

The code creates an initial state named “start” as a FixedState stage. This stage is added to the task and represents the starting configuration of the robot. It serves as a key reference point from which all motion plans will begin.

Pipeline Planner Creation

The code creates a PipelinePlanner, a planning tool that interfaces with MoveIt’s PlanningPipeline. This planner can use multiple planning algorithms and post-processing steps. It includes features like planner caching for efficiency, customizable planning parameters (e.g., number of attempts, workspace parameters, goal tolerances), and options for displaying motion plans and publishing planning requests. 

That’s it! Congratulations on getting your feet wet with a real application using the MoveIt Task Constructor. Stay tuned for more projects. 

Keep building!

How to Set Up the MoveIt 2 Task Constructor – ROS 2 Jazzy

In this tutorial, I will guide you through the core concepts of the MoveIt Task Constructor for ROS 2. You will also install it on your computer.

The MoveIt 2 Task Constructor (MTC) is designed to make complex robot tasks easier to program and manage. 

At its core, the Task Constructor breaks big tasks into smaller, more manageable pieces called stages. These stages can be mixed and matched like building blocks. They can also share information with each other, making it easier to create smooth, coordinated robot actions.

Overall, the goal of the MTC is to give robot programmers a set of tools that make their job more efficient and help them create more reliable and adaptable robot behaviors.


We will just focus on concepts in this tutorial. In future tutorials, you will learn how to build your own applications using the MTC. You can check out my sample code here on GitHub. Don’t worry. I will go through all that in a later tutorial.

MTC Core Concepts

The MoveIt Task Constructor (MTC) is built around three core concepts that work together in harmony to create a comprehensive system for robot task planning.


A Task is like a big plan for a robot. It is made up of a series of smaller steps that the robot needs to do to complete a job. 

Think of a task as a recipe for the robot to follow. Each Task is built from a sequence of Stages, which are the individual steps or actions the robot needs to take.


A Stage is a single step within a Task. It is a specific action or calculation the robot needs to perform. 

For example, a Stage might be “move the arm to a certain position” or “open the gripper.” 

Stages can be simple or complex, and they work together to form the complete Task. 

Each Stage produces what’s called a SubSolution, which is the result of that particular step.

Planning Scene

In the previous tutorial, you had experience adding a collision object to the planning scene.

The Planning Scene is the virtual model of the robot’s world. It includes information about the robot itself, any objects in its environment, and any constraints or rules the robot needs to follow. 

When the robot is planning its movements or actions, MoveIt uses this Planning Scene to figure out what the robot can and cannot do. 

The Planning Scene gets updated as the robot moves through its Task, keeping track of changes in the environment.

Stage Types

Let’s take a closer look at stages in the MTC

The MTC uses different types of Stages to handle various aspects of task planning. These Stage types are designed to work together, providing a versatile toolkit for creating complex robot behaviors. The three main types of Stages in the MTC are Generator Stage, Propagator Stage, and Connector Stage. 


Source: PickNik Inc.

Generator Stage

An MTC task starts with a Generator stage. This stage receives no input from adjacent stages. It doesn’t care what happens before it or after it.

The results that are computed in this stage are passed forward and backward.

Let’s look at some examples of Generator Stage types.


CurrentState is the most important generator stage. This is like taking a snapshot of where the robot is right now. It captures the robot’s current position, the state of its joints, and any objects it might be holding or interacting with. 

CurrentState generates the starting point for planning what the robot will do next.

GeneratePose is another type of generator stage. GeneratePose is about coming up with possible positions for the robot’s arm or gripper. 

For example, if the robot needs to pick up an object, GeneratePose might generate different ways the gripper could be positioned to grab the object. It’s like brainstorming potential positions for the robot.

Propagator Stage

A propagator stage is like a one way street. It receives an input from an adjacent stage, processes that input, and then generates an output for the next stage.


MoveTo is a propagating stage type because it takes the robot arm’s current state as input and produces a new state as output. 

For example, the MoveTo stage might start with the arm at rest and end with the arm reaching into a parts bin. 

MoveRelative is another propagating stage type because it advances the robot’s state incrementally. It takes the current arm position as input and outputs a new position based on a relative movement. 

For example, during the MoveRelative stage, the arm might move 10cm upward relative to where it currently is in the world, propagating the state forward by this small, relative change.

ModifyPlanningScene takes the current planning scene (the virtual model of the robot’s environment) as input, along with pre-programmed instructions for how to modify that scene (e.g. add or remove objects from the virtual environment). It then outputs an updated planning scene.

Connector Stage (i.e. Connectors)

Unlike Propagators, Connectors do not send results to other stages. Instead, they are like bridges that plan movements between two different arbitrary stages.

An example of a Connector Stage is finding a way to move the arm from its current position to a specific point.

Bringing It All Together

The three stage classes we mentioned above are called “primitive” stage classes. They are the basic building blocks for tasks in MoveIt 2.

Below is an example of how the stages might be structured for a sample pick and place task. The arrow and bar symbols represent the different stage types.


Source: PickNik Inc.

Generator Stage (↕️):

  • This stage creates new possibilities.
  • It is like coming up with ideas for the robot to try.
  • Examples: Figuring out different poses the robot could use, or setting a specific position for the robot.

Propagator Stage (↓ or ↑ or both):

  • This stage takes an input and figures out what to do next.
  • It can work forward (↓), backward (↑), or both ways.
  • Examples: Planning how to move in a straight line, or checking if a movement is safe.

Connector Stage (||):

  • This stage links two different states or positions.
  • It’s like finding a path between where the robot is and where it needs to go.
  • Example: Planning how to move freely from a starting position to an end position.

So there you have it. Stages either generate, propagate, or connect.

Containers (grouping primitive stages to perform a task)

MoveIt Task Constructor (MTC) has a concept called Containers. A Container is like a box that can hold one or more stages or even other containers. It helps group related stages together and create a hierarchy or structure for complex tasks. 

There are three types of container stages: wrapper, serial, and parallel. Let’s go through each one.


Source: PickNik Inc.

Wrapper Container

This container is used to modify or filter the solutions of a stage it contains. The wrapper modifies how a single task is performed without changing the core action.

Example: Wrap a pose generator with an IK (Inverse Kinematics) solver

  • A pose generator is a component that comes up with possible positions and orientations for the robot’s end-effector (like its hand or gripper) to grasp an object.
  • An IK (Inverse Kinematics) solver figures out how the robot’s joints should be positioned to achieve the specific end-effector (gripper) pose calculated in #1.
  • By wrapping the pose generator in step #1 with an IK solver in step #2, you’re creating a system that not only generates potential grasping poses but also immediately checks if the robot can actually achieve those poses, ensuring that only reachable and feasible grasping positions are considered.

Serial Containers

This container contains a sequence of stages that must be followed in order. 


  1. Approach the object (stage 1 – propagator)
  2. Generate the grasp pose (stage 2 – generator)
  3. Grasp the object (stage 3 – propagator)
  4. Lift the object (stage 4 – propagator)

The robot needs to complete all these steps in sequence to successfully complete the task.

Parallel Containers

This container allows for the simultaneous or alternative execution of multiple stages. It can include:

  • Alternative Stages:
    • Alternative Stages are different options to achieve the same goal, where only one needs to succeed. 
    • For example, you might have stages for picking an object with either the left hand or the right hand. The task will be successful if the robot can pick with either hand.
  • Fallback Stages:
    • Fallback Stages are backup options that are tried in order if earlier ones fail. For instance, you might have a default motion planner, and if that doesn’t work, it will try alternative planners. This ensures that even if the preferred method fails, there are other ways to complete the task.
  • Merger Stages:
    • Merger Stages allow multiple distinct actions to happen at the same time. 
    • For example, the robot could open its gripper while simultaneously moving its arm to a new position. This can make tasks more efficient by combining compatible actions.

Parallel Containers give flexibility in how tasks are performed, allowing for multiple approaches, backup plans, and simultaneous actions. This makes robotic tasks more adaptable and robust.

Example: Pick and Place

Have a look at this diagram and see how containers and stage types could be organized in a sample pick and place application.


Source: PickNik Inc.

That covers the basic concepts of the MTC.

If you want to do further reading, check out this link at the official MoveIt 2 website.

Create a New Package

Let’s start our hands-on experience by creating a new package for our MoveIt 2 Task Constructor (MTC) code. Open a terminal and navigate to the mycobot_ros2 directory in your ROS 2 workspace:

cd ~/ros2_ws/src/mycobot_ros2/

Now, let’s create a new package using the ROS 2 command line tools:

ros2 pkg create --build-type ament_cmake \
--dependencies generate_parameter_library moveit_core moveit_ros_planning_interface rclcpp \
--license BSD-3-Clause \
--maintainer-name ubuntu \
--maintainer-email \
--node-name alternative_path_costs \
cd ~/ros2_ws/
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y

Type in your password, and install any missing dependencies.

Now build.

colcon build && source ~/.bashrc

Install the MoveIt Task Constructor

Install warehouse_ros_mongo

First, we need to install the warehouse_ros_mongo package.

The warehouse_ros_mongo package is a database tool for ROS 2 that allows you to save, retrieve, and manage important information about your robot’s positions and configurations, acting like a digital memory bank for your robot.

Open a terminal window, and let’s install some system-level dependencies needed by the warehouse_ros_mongo package.

sudo apt-get install gnupg curl

We will now install mongo_db. Follow these official instructions.  We will also walk through it together now (we are doing version 8.0 now below, so the exact version you need to download will likely change in the future).

cd ~/Downloads
curl -fsSL | \
   sudo gpg -o /usr/share/keyrings/mongodb-server-8.0.gpg \
echo "deb [ arch=amd64,arm64 signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/mongodb-server-8.0.gpg ] noble/mongodb-org/8.0 multiverse" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org-8.0.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y mongodb-org

Now start the MongoDB service.

sudo systemctl start mongod

Now run this command to enable MongoDB to start when you boot up your machine:

sudo systemctl enable mongod

Verify everything is up and running fine:

sudo systemctl status mongod

If MongoDB is running, it should show the service as active.


Press q to quit.

Now let’s install the warehouse_ros_mongo package.

Open a terminal window, and navigate to your ROS 2 workspace’s source folder:

cd ~/ros2_ws/src
git clone -b ros2
cd warehouse_ros_mongo/
git reset --hard 32f8fc5dd245077b9c09e93efc8625b9f599f271
cd ~/ros2_ws
rosdep update
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y

Type your password and press Enter to install any missing packages.

colcon build
source ~/.bashrc (OR source ~/ros2_ws/install/setup.bash if you haven’t set up your bashrc file to source your ROS distribution automatically with “source ~/ros2_ws/install/setup.bash”)

Install the MoveIt Task Constructor Package

Open a new terminal window, and type:

cd ~/ros2_ws/src
git clone -b jazzy
cd moveit_task_constructor

So that we make sure we get a specific version of the package on GitHub, we will add the latest commit hash, which I found on GitHub.

git reset --hard 9ced9fc10a15388224f0741e5a930a33f4ed6255
cd ~/ros2_ws
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y

Type your password and press Enter to install any missing packages.

cd ~/ros2_ws/
colcon build

You can ignore this error:

--- stderr: rviz_marker_tools                                                                                            
rviz_marker_tools: You did not request a specific build type: Choosing 'Release' for maximum performance

Now source your workspace.

source ~/.bashrc

You will probably see some build errors now. Build again:

cd ~/ros2_ws/ 
colcon build
source ~/.bashrc

Remember that you can safely ignore errors that look like this:

--- stderr: moveit_task_constructor_core                                 
lto-wrapper: warning: using serial compilation of 12 LTRANS jobs
lto-wrapper: note: see the ‘-flto’ option documentation for more information

Fix Other Issues

The pick and place demo works during the planning phase but fails during execution. This issue has been documented at this link. If you execute the plan via RViz, everything will work fine. If you execute it via the code, execution fails. The error you will see is this: “Stopping execution because the path to execute became invalid(probably the environment changed)”

To fix this issue, you need to go to this file:

cd ~/ros2_ws/src/moveit_task_constructor/core/src/
gedit storage.cpp

Change these lines:

if (this->end()->scene()->getParent() == this->start()->scene())

To this:

cd ~/ros2_ws/src/moveit_task_constructor/core/src/solvers/
gedit cartesian_path.cpp

Change this line:

moveit::core::JumpThreshold(props.get<double>("jump_threshold")), is_valid,

To this:

moveit::core::JumpThreshold::relative(props.get<double>("jump_threshold")), is_valid,
cd ~/ros2_ws/
colcon build
source ~/.bashrc (OR source ~/ros2_ws/install/setup.bash)

Congratulations! You have now successfully installed the MoveIt Task Constructor.

Configure Your MTC Package

Edit package.xml

cd ~/ros2_ws/src/mycobot_ros2/mycobot_mtc_demos/
gedit package.xml

Your dependencies should look like this:

cd ~/ros2_ws/
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y

Create a Launch File for the Demos

Move inside the package.

cd ~/ros2_ws/src/mycobot_ros2/mycobot_mtc_demos/

Create a folder named launch.

mkdir launch

Now let’s add a launch file:

cd launch

Add this code.

Save the file, and close it.

Create an RViz Config File

cd ~/ros2_ws/src/mycobot_ros2/mycobot_mtc_demos/
mkdir rviz
cd rviz
gedit mtc_demos.rviz

Add this code.

Save the file, and close it.

Edit CMakeLists.txt

Let’s add the new folders.

cd ~/ros2_ws/src/mycobot_ros2/mycobot_mtc_demos

Open CMakeLists.txt.

Add this block:

# Copy necessary files to designated locations in the project
install (
  DIRECTORY launch rviz

Add Demonstration Code

cd ~/ros2_ws/src/mycobot_ros2/mycobot_mtc_demos/src/

Add all the files you see in this directory into the src folder.

Edit CMakeLists.txt

Now let’s edit CMakeLists.txt.

cd ~/ros2_ws/src/mycobot_ros2/mycobot_mtc_demos/
gedit CMakeLists.txt

Add this code.

Save the file, and close it.

Build the Package

Now let’s build.

cd ~/ros2_ws/
colcon build
source ~/.bashrc

Add a Quick Launch Script

cd ~/ros2_ws/src/mycobot_ros2/mycobot_bringup/scripts

Add this placeholder code:

# Single script to launch the mycobot with Gazebo, RViz, and MoveIt 2

cleanup() {
    echo "Cleaning up..."
    sleep 5.0
    pkill -9 -f "ros2|gazebo|gz|nav2|amcl|bt_navigator|nav_to_pose|rviz2|assisted_teleop|cmd_vel_relay|robot_state_publisher|joint_state_publisher|move_to_free|mqtt|autodock|cliff_detection|moveit|move_group|basic_navigator"

# Set up cleanup trap
trap 'cleanup' SIGINT SIGTERM

echo "Launching Gazebo simulation..."
ros2 launch mycobot_gazebo \
    load_controllers:=true \ \
    use_camera:=true \
    use_rviz:=false \
    use_robot_state_pub:=true \
    use_sim_time:=true \
    x:=0.0 \
    y:=0.0 \
    z:=0.05 \
    roll:=0.0 \
    pitch:=0.0 \
    yaw:=0.0 &

sleep 15
ros2 launch mycobot_moveit_config \
    rviz_config_file:=mtc_demos.rviz \
    rviz_config_package:=mycobot_mtc_demos &

echo "Adjusting camera position..."
gz service -s /gui/move_to/pose \
    --reqtype gz.msgs.GUICamera \
    --reptype gz.msgs.Boolean \
    --timeout 2000 \
    --req "pose: {position: {x: 1.36, y: -0.58, z: 0.95} orientation: {x: -0.26, y: 0.1, z: 0.89, w: 0.35}}"

# Keep the script running until Ctrl+C

Save the file, and close it.

Now add an alias called mtc_demos to your bashrc file:

echo "alias mtc_demos='bash ~/ros2_ws/src/mycobot_ros2/mycobot_bringup/scripts/'" >> ~/.bashrc

That’s it! You are now ready to start taking a closer look at the demo applications. We will do just that in the following tutorials. Keep building!