How to Completely Uninstall ROS 2

In this tutorial, I will show you how to completely uninstall ROS 2 from your system.

Uninstall ROS 2

If you want to uninstall the current version of ROS 2 that you have on your computer, type the following commands in the terminal window:

sudo apt remove ~nros-${ROS_DISTRO}-* && sudo apt autoremove

Otherwise, if you want to completely uninstall ROS 2 from your system, type this command:

sudo apt remove ros-* && sudo apt autoremove

Remove ROS 2 References in the .bashrc

Remove all ROS 2-related lines from your ~/.bashrc file.

gedit ~/.bashrc

For example, you can remove:

source ~/ros2_ws/install/setup.bash

Save the file.

Delete the Workspace

Now delete your ROS 2 workspace. For example, if your workspace is named ros2_ws, type:

rm -rf ~/ros2_ws

Remove the Repository

Finally Remove the repository:

sudo apt-get update
sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ros2.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt autoremove
sudo apt-get upgrade

Reboot Your Machine

sudo reboot

That is it! Now you are back to a fresh system with no ROS 2 installed.

Keep building!

How to Write a ROS 2 Service in C++ – ROS 2 Jazzy

In this tutorial, we’ll create a ROS 2 service using C++

A ROS 2 service is a way for different parts of a robot system to communicate with each other by sending a request and receiving a response, similar to making a phone call and waiting for an answer. This form of communication is different from the publish-subscribe communication method, where one part of the system continuously broadcasts information, and any other parts that are interested can listen in, like a radio station broadcasting to many listeners. 

With a service, the communication is direct and specific, where the caller sends a request to a particular service provider and waits for a response before proceeding. In contrast, publish-subscribe allows for more flexible and asynchronous communication between multiple parts of the system without waiting for specific responses.

Services are useful when you need a quick but specific task done, and you need to wait for it to finish before moving on. You generally do not want to use a service if you need to make continuous calls for information. If you need to make continuous calls for information, topics are better suited.

Real-World Applications

Here are some real-world examples of how ROS 2 service and client nodes can be used in robotic applications:

  • Starting a Robot Vacuum Cleaner
    • Service: A service node called start_cleaning is created. When this service is called, it initiates the cleaning process of the robot vacuum cleaner.
    • Client: A client node calls the start_cleaning service to begin the cleaning process. It waits for a response from the service confirming that the cleaning process has started.
  • Localization on a Map
    • Service: A service node determines the current position and orientation of a robot on a map based on a provided map and LIDAR scans.
    • Client: A client node requests the current position and orientation of a robot on a map.
  • Gripper Control
    • Service: A service node controls the robotic arm’s gripper to open or close.
    • Client: A client node sends requests to the gripper service to open the gripper to release an object into a bin.


All my code for this project is located here on GitHub.

Creating a Cleaning Service for a Robotic Vacuum Cleaner  

Let’s imagine we have a fictitious robotic vacuum cleaner:

  • If this service is called with a value of True, the robot will start cleaning.
  • If this service is called with a value of False, the robot will stop cleaning.

The name of the service is /set_cleaning_state.

We will call the service using the following syntax:

ros2 service call <service_name> <service_type> <arguments>

To start cleaning, we will run this command:

ros2 service call /set_cleaning_state yahboom_rosmaster_msgs/srv/SetCleaningState "{desired_cleaning_state: true}"

To stop cleaning, we will run this command:

ros2 service call /set_cleaning_state yahboom_rosmaster_msgs/srv/SetCleaningState "{desired_cleaning_state: false}"

Create a Custom Service Definition

Create the srv folder inside the yahboom_rosmaster_msgs package:

cd ~/ros2_ws/src/yahboom_rosmaster/yahboom_rosmaster_msgs
mkdir srv

Create the service definition file SetCleaningState.srv inside the srv folder:

cd srv

Open the SetCleaningState.srv file and add the following content:

# Request
bool desired_cleaning_state  # Request: true to start cleaning, false to stop
bool success                 # Response: whether the request was successful
string message               # Response: information about the result

Update CMakeLists.txt

Add these lines to yahboom_rosmaster_msgs/CMakeLists.txt:

# Find required packages
find_package(ament_cmake REQUIRED)
find_package(rosidl_default_generators REQUIRED)

# Generate interfaces


Build the Service Messages

cd ~/ros2_ws
colcon build
source ~/.bashrc

Confirm the service creation:

ros2 interface show yahboom_rosmaster_msgs/srv/SetCleaningState

Write the Service Node

Let’s write the service node.

Create the set_cleaning_state_service.cpp file inside the src directory of yahboom_rosmaster_system_tests:

cd ~/ros2_ws/src/yahboom_rosmaster/yahboom_rosmaster_system_tests/src

Add the following content:

 * @file set_cleaning_state_service.cpp
 * @brief ROS 2 node that implements a service to set the cleaning state of a robot
 * This program implements a ROS 2 node that provides a service to set the cleaning state
 * of a robot. It demonstrates the use of service servers in ROS 2.
 * Subscription Topics:
 *   None
 * Publishing Topics:
 *   None
 * Services:
 *   /set_cleaning_state (yahboom_rosmaster_msgs/srv/SetCleaningState):
 *     Sets the cleaning state of the robot
 * @author Addison Sears-Collins
 * @date November 26, 2024
#include <memory>
#include "rclcpp/rclcpp.hpp"
#include "yahboom_rosmaster_msgs/srv/set_cleaning_state.hpp"

 * @class SetCleaningStateService
 * @brief A ROS 2 node that provides a service to set the cleaning state of a robot
class SetCleaningStateService : public rclcpp::Node
   * @brief Constructor for the SetCleaningStateService class.
   * Initializes the node with the name "set_cleaning_state_service"
   * and creates the service server for the "/set_cleaning_state" service.
  : Node("set_cleaning_state_service")
    service_ = this->create_service<yahboom_rosmaster_msgs::srv::SetCleaningState>(
      std::bind(&SetCleaningStateService::set_cleaning_state_callback, this,
                std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2));

    RCLCPP_INFO(this->get_logger(), "Cleaning Service Server is ready.");

   * @brief Callback function for the set_cleaning_state service.
   * This function is called when a request is received for the "/set_cleaning_state" service.
   * It checks the desired cleaning state in the request and sets the appropriate response.
   * @param request The request shared pointer for the set_cleaning_state service.
   * @param response The response shared pointer for the set_cleaning_state service.
  void set_cleaning_state_callback(
    const std::shared_ptr<yahboom_rosmaster_msgs::srv::SetCleaningState::Request> request,
    std::shared_ptr<yahboom_rosmaster_msgs::srv::SetCleaningState::Response> response)
    if (request->desired_cleaning_state) {
      RCLCPP_INFO(this->get_logger(), "Starting cleaning...");
      response->success = true;
      response->message = "Robot started cleaning";
    } else {
      RCLCPP_INFO(this->get_logger(), "Stopping cleaning...");
      response->success = true;
      response->message = "Robot stopped cleaning";

    RCLCPP_INFO(this->get_logger(), "Response sent: %s", response->message.c_str());

  /// Service server for setting cleaning state
  rclcpp::Service<yahboom_rosmaster_msgs::srv::SetCleaningState>::SharedPtr service_;

 * @brief Main function to run the SetCleaningStateService node.
 * @param argc Number of command-line arguments.
 * @param argv Array of command-line arguments.
 * @return int Exit status of the program.
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
  rclcpp::init(argc, argv);
  auto node = std::make_shared<SetCleaningStateService>();
  return 0;

Update CMakeLists.txt

Edit the CMakeLists.txt file:




Build the Package

cd ~/ros2_ws
colcon build
source ~/.bashrc

Run the Service Node

Open a new terminal window, and type:

ros2 run yahboom_rosmaster_system_tests set_cleaning_state_service
ros2 service list -t

The ros2 service list -t command lists all the available services along with their corresponding service types. It shows that the /set_cleaning_state service uses the yahboom_rosmaster_msgs/srv/SetCleaningState service type.


Open a new terminal window, and call the service to start cleaning:

ros2 service call /set_cleaning_state yahboom_rosmaster_msgs/srv/SetCleaningState "{desired_cleaning_state: true}"

Now call the service to stop cleaning:

ros2 service call /set_cleaning_state yahboom_rosmaster_msgs/srv/SetCleaningState "{desired_cleaning_state: false}"

You see how we called the service via the terminal. You can also create an actual program that is the service client that calls the service just like we did in the terminal.

This tutorial showed you a simple service that:

  • Listens for requests
  • Processes the requests
  • Returns appropriate responses

All services are structured this way, so you can use this as a template for any service you create.

That’s it! Keep building!

How to Remap Topics in ROS 2

In this tutorial, we will demonstrate how to remap a topic called /chatter from the command line using ROS 2. 

Remapping topics can be useful in several scenarios, such as avoiding naming conflicts when multiple nodes publish or subscribe to topics with the same name, or integrating third-party packages that use different topic names than your existing system.

We will use the built-in demo_nodes_cpp package, which contains a simple publisher (talker) and subscriber (listener) pair.

 The talker node publishes messages on the /chatter topic, and the listener node subscribes to the /chatter topic.


  • You have ROS 2 installed.

Command Line

First, open a new terminal and source your ROS 2 installation.

Run the talker node without remapping:

ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp talker

Open another terminal, and run the listener node without remapping:

ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp listener

You should see the listener node receiving messages from the talker node on the /chatter topic.

In a new terminal, run ros2 topic list to see the available topics:

ros2 topic list

You should see the /chatter topic in the list.


To verify that the talker node is publishing messages on the /chatter topic, run ros2 topic echo:

ros2 topic echo /chatter

You should see the messages being published by the talker node.

Run ros2 topic info to see the total number of publishers and subscribers for the /chatter topic:

ros2 topic info /chatter

You should see that there is one publisher and one subscriber for the /chatter topic.


Now, let’s remap the talker node to publish on a new topic called /conversation.

Stop the talker node using CTRL + C, and type this:

ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp talker --ros-args -r /chatter:=/conversation

Check the listener node terminal. You will notice that it is no longer receiving messages because it is still subscribed to the /chatter topic.

Run ros2 topic list again:

ros2 topic list

You will see the new /conversation topic in the list, but the /chatter topic is no longer present.


If you run ros2 topic echo /conversation, you will see the messages being published by the talker node on the new topic:

ros2 topic echo /conversation

Run ros2 topic info for the /conversation topic:

ros2 topic info /conversation

You should see that there is one publisher and no subscribers for the /conversation topic.


To make the listener node receive messages from the talker node again, we need to remap its subscription from /chatter to /conversation. Stop the listener node (Ctrl+C) and run it with the remapping argument:

ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp listener --ros-args -r /chatter:=/conversation

Now, the listener node will receive messages from the talker node on the remapped /conversation topic.

Run ros2 topic info for the /conversation topic again:

ros2 topic info /conversation

You should now see that there is one publisher and one subscriber for the /conversation topic.

In a Launch File

To remap topics using a launch file in ROS 2, you can use the <remap> tag within the <node> tag.

Create a new launch file called

#!/usr/bin/env python3
ROS 2 Topic Remapping Launch File.

This launch file demonstrates how to remap topics in ROS 2 by launching a talker and listener
node pair with remapped topic names. It shows how to change the default topic '/chatter'
to '/conversation' for both nodes.

Launch File Nodes:
    * talker_node (demo_nodes_cpp/talker): Publishes messages on remapped topic
    * listener_node (demo_nodes_cpp/listener): Subscribes to messages on remapped topic

Topic Remappings:
    * /chatter -> /conversation: Remaps the default topic to a new name for both nodes

Example Usage:
    $ ros2 launch your_package

:author: Addison Sears-Collins
:date: November 26, 2024

# Import the necessary ROS 2 launch modules
from launch import LaunchDescription
from launch_ros.actions import Node

def generate_launch_description():
    Generate a launch description for topic remapping demonstration.

    This function creates and returns a LaunchDescription object that specifies how
    to launch and configure the talker and listener nodes with topic remapping.

        A launch description object containing the configured nodes
    return LaunchDescription([
        # Create and configure the talker node
        # This node will publish messages on the remapped topic '/conversation'
            package='demo_nodes_cpp',      # The package containing the node
            executable='talker',           # The name of the executable
            name='talker_node',           # A unique name for this node instance
                # Remap the default '/chatter' topic to '/conversation'
                ('/chatter', '/conversation'),
            output='screen'               # Display node output in the terminal

        # Create and configure the listener node
        # This node will subscribe to messages on the remapped topic '/conversation'
            package='demo_nodes_cpp',      # The package containing the node
            executable='listener',         # The name of the executable
            name='listener_node',         # A unique name for this node instance
                # Remap the default '/chatter' topic to '/conversation'
                # This must match the talker's remapping to receive messages
                ('/chatter', '/conversation'),
            output='screen'               # Display node output in the terminal

In this launch file, we define two nodes: talker and listener. For each node, we specify the package, executable, and name. We also use the remappings parameter to remap the /chatter topic to /conversation for both nodes.

To run the launch file, open a new terminal, source your ROS 2 installation, and navigate to the package containing the file. Then, run the following command:

ros2 launch

You should see both the talker and listener nodes running, with the talker node publishing messages on the /conversation topic and the listener node subscribing to the /conversation topic.

In a new terminal, run ros2 topic list to see the available topics:

ros2 topic list

You should see the /conversation topic in the list.

To verify that the talker node is publishing messages on the /conversation topic, run ros2 topic echo:

ros2 topic echo /conversation

You should see the messages being published by the talker node.

Run ros2 topic info for the /conversation topic:

ros2 topic info /conversation

You should see that there is one publisher and one subscriber for the /conversation topic.


Using a launch file to remap topics has several advantages:

  1. It allows you to centralize the configuration of your nodes and their remappings in a single file.
  2. It makes it easier to manage complex systems with multiple nodes and remappings.
  3. It enables you to create reusable launch files that can be shared across different projects or with other users.

That’s it! Keep building!